Friday, 25 October 2013

The 7 Timeless Virtues of Enlightened Living/5 - Robin Sharma

The Symbol:                                  The stopwatch
The Virtue:                                     Respect your time
The Wisdom:                                 Time is your most precious commodity and it is non-renewable.
                                                       Focus on your priorities and maintain balance. Simplify your life
The Techniques:                            The ancient rule of 20
Have the courage to say NO
The “Deathbed” mentality
Those who use time wisely from an early age are rewarded with rich, productive and satisfying lives.
Your most precious commodity
The naked 900lb, 9' tall Sumo wrestler with a pink wire cable covering his private parts, slips on a shiny , gold stopwatch that someone has left many years earlier in the beautiful garden.
Our most important commodity is Time. Busy, productive people are highly efficient with their time. Time mastery allows you more time to do the things you love to do and which are truly meaningful to you. Guard time well; remember it is a non-renewable resource. “Failing to plan is planning to fail”.
Ancient rule of 20: 80% of the results you achieve in your life comes from only 20% of the activities that occupy your time. Enlightened people are priority driven and this is the secret of “time mastery”. When you plan and have balance in the use of your time, you not only are more productive but far happier with your efforts. Life is like a fat strip of bacon – you have to separate the meat from the fat in order to be the master of your time.
Watch out for “time thieves”- people who always seem to want your time and attention. Learn to say NO: Having the courage to say No to the little things in life, will give you the power to say YES to the big things.
Most productive people have cultivated the habit of doing the things that less productive people don't like doing, even though they too might not like doing them. Those, who are masters of their time, live simple lives. Living a rich life with accomplishment and contribution does not necessarily come through sacrifice of peace of mind. Too many people are dreaming of some magical rose garden on the horizon rather than enjoying the one growing in their back yard. The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second best time is today. Don't waste time.
Develop a “deathbed mentality”: live everyday as if it were your last. Push yourself to do more and experience more. Harness your energy to start expanding your dreams – become the architect of your future.
Knowing the Self: We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We are no longer in this world, this world is in us. We are ONE with our Creator. At death, we can only take our conscience. Listen to your conscience. Let it guide you as it knows what is right. It will tell you that your calling in life is ultimately selfless service to others in some form or another.
Remember, the power of laughter, like music, is a wonderful tonic for life's stresses and strains. Laughter opens your heart and soothes your soul.
                                                                                                                to be continued

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