Monday, 7 October 2013

Musings on Awareness 1

“Musings on Awareness”
 Prof. G. Venkataraman  
Awareness refers to a state of Total Understanding, which in turn means realising that God is in everything, everywhere, all the time.
How do we actually experience this Eternal Omnipresence of God and why do we have to do that?
We all engage in “action”, be it voluntary (conscious action) or involuntary (breathing). We need firstly to consider:
 . How we relate to the environment and the entities as action takes place in a particular setting and a particular ambience.
The Golden Triangle // Inter -connectedness
A hypothetical example -place the Lord at the apex of the triangle, Man at the lower left and Society/Nature at the lower right. Let us learn man's interaction with God, Society and Nature.
In worldly life, man usually forgets God and also the need to follow Truth and Right Conduct especially in business transactions, giving rise to corrupt businessmen and politicians, greedy doctors, who are more concerned about payment than administering treatment and so forth.
Our actions are contrary to our Divine Nature. Man forgets God not only in dealing with his fellow human beings but also in dealing with Nature, resulting in wide scale destruction and ravaging of the ecosystem and the environment. Big Corporations also exacerbate these problems. We fail to realise that the same God we pray to is also the same Spirit present in all creation, in the physical and subtle forms.
We must realise that we all are children of God, the same God, and no matter to which religion we belong. Next, we must realise that we live on a planet called Earth, which is a part of Nature. All humans live on this planet and there is only one owner, which is God. This compassionate God, has not only provided us with free accommodation, but has also given us:  Air, to breathe; Water, to drink; and Sunlight, to enable us to see.
The individual and Society are two sides of the same coin. If the individual is the microcosm, then Society is the macrocosm. So, Society is a macro manifestation of the individual and that God is immanent in Society the same way He is immanent also in the individual. It is for that reason one must serve Society, for when we serve Society in the spirit of selfless love and without expectation of reward, we are in fact serving the Lord Himself.
“Service to Man is service to God”
“Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray”
We need to lead disciplined and righteous lives to earn peace and happiness. We must see God in Society as also in Nature.
The Spirit within is what drives people to let the “divine light” within, shine. By helping others, we inadvertently do our duty to Society. 

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