Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Musings on Awareness 3 - Prof. G Venkataraman

Who am I?
Each one of us does have different identities: at the bodily level, we are the son or daughter of so and so; at an emotional level; we are defined by virtue of our behavioural characteristics, being kind, compassionate, cruel, miserly etc.
Few people recognise our divine identity which is the most important identity at the spiritual level. If an individual feels that there is a God within them, can you imagine how this affects his or her relationship with Society. The realisation that God is very much in Society becomes evident. Then, adherence to morality under all circumstances is a part of that individual's personality.
Social Priorities
In a Society where divinity is manifest, it would care for its citizens, especially the poor and helpless. What are the poor desperate for? Food, shelter, clothing, health care, education etc. Today, there is hardly any Society that is bothered about these.
Energy security: The root of the oil problem is “oil addiction”, especially by advanced countries. The growing demand for luxury goods has fuelled the energy consumption of humanity. Electricity companies are happy about the profits they make, economists are satisfied that market forces are prevailing but everyone is choking with polluted air. This is the kind of illusion we are sucked into because of our ever increasing wants. Instead, why do we not think in terms of a simpler lifestyle and place a lid on excessive and wasteful consumption? We are being brain-washed by big business with multi million Rand advertising budgets, trapping us into limitless consumerism. This greed decimates the “Golden Triangle”.
Ceiling on Desires  
We are allowing modern life to envelope us and then swallow us. We can prevent this by making a serious effort to place a ceiling on our desires, which is the only way to responsible and reasonable consumerism.
Reduced consumerism would lead to lower energy demands > significant reduction in burning of fossil fuels > less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere > cleaner air to breathe > lesser respiratory problems, better health and fewer medical bills > a healthier Society.
The less desires we have, the more time we can make for God. This is an important spiritual truth we have to digest.

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