The Symbol: Pink wire cable –
Sumo wrestler
The Virtue: Live with
The Wisdom: Discipline is
built by consistently performing small acts of courage.Will power is the
essential virtue of a fully actualised life.
The Techniques: Mantra's / creative
The vow of silence: Wage war against the weaker
thoughts. They will see that they are unwanted and will leave like unwelcome visitors.
Power of Discipline
pink wire cable covering the private parts of the Sumo wrestler serves to
remind us of the power of self-control and discipline in building a richer, happier
and more enlightened life. A wire cable comprises of tiny wires
placed on top of the other. Each wire is weak on its own but together it
tougher than even iron. Self-control and will power is similar to this. An
abundance of will power and discipline are
the chief attributes of all those with strong character and who lead wonderful
lives. They will give you the freedom to choose what is right over what seems pressing
or urgent.
Control your
thoughts: You control your mind
Control your
mind: You control your life
Control your
life: You become master of your destiny
Words have much power
and are great influencers. By filling your mind with words of hope, kindness
and courage, you become all these. Sit in quiet surroundings with eyes closed
and mind still, repeat over and over this affirmation:
“I am more than I
appear to be; all the world's strength and power rests inside me”
As you utter these
words, see yourself as a disciplined person fully in control of your mind, body
and spirit. Startling results will surely come your way. Also, do things that
you don't like doing eg. making up your bed. By getting into the habit of
exerting your will, you will cease to be a slave to your weaker impulses.
Vow of silence for an
extended period of time. Each time the urge to speak arises, you actively curb
this impulse and remain quiet. Your will has no mind of its own and awaits your
instructions that will spur it into action. The more control you exert over it,
the more powerful it will become. Imagine if you had to triple your will power
– more efficient with your time, erase the worry habit altogether and rekindle
the drive and energy for living that have been lacking. Start off small, a step
at a time. By building on the small to achieve the great, you will boost your
self-confidence, inspiring you to reach greater heights. It feels good when you
have realised a goal that you had set yourself. Momentum will then motivate you
to keep exploring your infinite potential.
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