Monday 30 January 2017

The Sai Teachings

Your 2017 Resolution

Keeping God as your guide and saviour, whatever work you do, will yield sure success. God is your only true friend. Your friends may be with you only until you have wealth, but the moment you lose everything, they will desert you. God is the only friend who will always be with you, in you, beside you and will never leave you. Therefore, the only way to prosper is to develop friendship with the Lord.

Being a human, make others happy. This is love. Your heart is full of love. On this day forward, resolve that you will start every day with love, spend the day with love, fill the day with love, and end the day with love. Share it with at least five persons each day. Practice, experience and share Divine Love with all, with no difference in caste, creed, colour, religion or nationality. Countries and the world will prosper and everyone will be happy.


Monday 23 January 2017

The Sai Teachings

Is Your Life a Struggle?

You must strive to diagnose your own character and discover the faults that are infesting it; do not try to analyse the character of others and seek to spot their defects. Life is a campaign against foes; it is a battle with obstacles, temptations, hardships and hesitations. These forces are within every individual and so the battle has to be incessant and perpetual.

Like the virus that thrives in the bloodstream, the vices of lust, greed, hate, malice, pride and envy sap the energy and faith, and lead one to untimely fall. Remember, virtue is strength and vice is weakness.


Wednesday 28 December 2016

Words of Wisdom 2

Sometimes what appears like an obstacle in your path is really a gift meant to move you in a better direction

The whole purpose of Education is to turn mirrors into windows

The key to Life is not accumulation. It’s contribution.

Always prefer the “beneficial” to the “pleasant”, for the pleasant might lead you down the sliding path into the bottomless pit

Wisdom is found only in truth

If you can’t find a way, create one

Past is a waste paper,

Present is a newspaper,

Future is a question paper.

So, read and write carefully, otherwise

Life will be a tissue paper

Life is like riding a bicycle,

To keep your balance, you must keep moving….


Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire,

Become what you respect and mirror what you admire

The number one skill in life is not giving up…

Life is like taking pictures with a camera…
Focus on what’s important
Capture the good times
Develop from the negatives

And if things don’t work out, take another shot



Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Sai Teachings

The Message

I bring you the message that will confer strength, peace, hope and fulfilment. It may not be pleasing, but it will surely be beneficial! A patient has to take drugs and put himself through regimen that is beneficial; he cannot ask for only sweet medicines and comfortable regimen which pleases him. The Doctor knows what is best for the patient!
Truly speaking, treat your body as a wound, that needs to be washed, bandaged and treated with medicine thrice or four-times a day. That is the real purpose of food and drink. To cure the disease of thirst, water is the drug. Food is the medicine to cure the disease of hunger. Detachment is the medicine to cure the disease of craving for pleasure. For the pure yearning for the Divine and the pursuit that is impelled by it, the necessary first step is a rigorous self-examination to remove all evil habits, tendencies and qualities from within.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

The Sai Teachings


Many are not prepared to respect their parents. You may ask a question as to why one should respect one’s parents. Always, whatever actions you undertake, the reaction will come to you in the future. It is your duty to respect your parents for all that your parents have done for you. If today, you show respect to your parents, then your children will respect you when you grow up. If you make your parents suffer now, your children will do the same in return to you; and tears will flow from your eyes.

If a student wants to lead a life of security and happiness in the future, he must undertake to lead a good life now. It is the beauty of your heart that is important. It is not the external beauty of the body that matters at all. When you have a pure and clean heart, you will have the strength to cleanse the world.


Tuesday 8 November 2016

Words of Wisdom 1

Please know that often what feels like the end of the world is simply a challenging pathway to a far better place
Don’t rush things. If something is going to happen, it’ll happen at the right time, with the right person and for the best reason
If your path is more difficult, it is because of your high calling
The worst battle you have to fight is between what you know and what you feel
Everything that happens to you is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it
Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we’re meant to be
Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time
Remember, when you forgive… you heal…
And when you let go… you grow
A horse will reflect exactly what you need to see about yourself…
Are you brave enough to ask?
Are you strong enough to listen?
Are you humble enough to learn?
Often a healing takes place in ourselves as we pray for the healing of others
If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities.
If you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles.
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take a step
Practise the Pause
Pause before judging,
Pause before assuming
Pause before accusing
Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll regret later

Friday 4 November 2016

The Sai Teachings

A fruitful Life

Are you aware of the grand goal of your pilgrimage on Earth? Do not stray into the by-lanes and wrong roads, they will only lead you to disaster. You put a lot of faith in things outside yourself and plan to derive joy from and through them. Do you not know that all joys emanate only from the spring within you? You merely envelop the outer things with your own joy, and then, you experience it as though it is from that ‘other thing!’

The recognition of your innate Divinity and the regulation of your daily living in accordance with that Truth is the guiding star for every being, who is caught in the currents and crosscurrents of strife and struggle. Without that guiding divine light, life will become a meaningless farce, a mockery, a game of fools. It is the acquisition of that Self-Awareness, which will make your life earnest and fruitful.