Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Words of Wisdom 2

Sometimes what appears like an obstacle in your path is really a gift meant to move you in a better direction

The whole purpose of Education is to turn mirrors into windows

The key to Life is not accumulation. It’s contribution.

Always prefer the “beneficial” to the “pleasant”, for the pleasant might lead you down the sliding path into the bottomless pit

Wisdom is found only in truth

If you can’t find a way, create one

Past is a waste paper,

Present is a newspaper,

Future is a question paper.

So, read and write carefully, otherwise

Life will be a tissue paper

Life is like riding a bicycle,

To keep your balance, you must keep moving….


Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire,

Become what you respect and mirror what you admire

The number one skill in life is not giving up…

Life is like taking pictures with a camera…
Focus on what’s important
Capture the good times
Develop from the negatives

And if things don’t work out, take another shot



Tuesday, 6 December 2016

The Sai Teachings

The Message

I bring you the message that will confer strength, peace, hope and fulfilment. It may not be pleasing, but it will surely be beneficial! A patient has to take drugs and put himself through regimen that is beneficial; he cannot ask for only sweet medicines and comfortable regimen which pleases him. The Doctor knows what is best for the patient!
Truly speaking, treat your body as a wound, that needs to be washed, bandaged and treated with medicine thrice or four-times a day. That is the real purpose of food and drink. To cure the disease of thirst, water is the drug. Food is the medicine to cure the disease of hunger. Detachment is the medicine to cure the disease of craving for pleasure. For the pure yearning for the Divine and the pursuit that is impelled by it, the necessary first step is a rigorous self-examination to remove all evil habits, tendencies and qualities from within.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

The Sai Teachings


Many are not prepared to respect their parents. You may ask a question as to why one should respect one’s parents. Always, whatever actions you undertake, the reaction will come to you in the future. It is your duty to respect your parents for all that your parents have done for you. If today, you show respect to your parents, then your children will respect you when you grow up. If you make your parents suffer now, your children will do the same in return to you; and tears will flow from your eyes.

If a student wants to lead a life of security and happiness in the future, he must undertake to lead a good life now. It is the beauty of your heart that is important. It is not the external beauty of the body that matters at all. When you have a pure and clean heart, you will have the strength to cleanse the world.


Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Words of Wisdom 1

Please know that often what feels like the end of the world is simply a challenging pathway to a far better place
Don’t rush things. If something is going to happen, it’ll happen at the right time, with the right person and for the best reason
If your path is more difficult, it is because of your high calling
The worst battle you have to fight is between what you know and what you feel
Everything that happens to you is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it
Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we’re meant to be
Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time
Remember, when you forgive… you heal…
And when you let go… you grow
A horse will reflect exactly what you need to see about yourself…
Are you brave enough to ask?
Are you strong enough to listen?
Are you humble enough to learn?
Often a healing takes place in ourselves as we pray for the healing of others
If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities.
If you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles.
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take a step
Practise the Pause
Pause before judging,
Pause before assuming
Pause before accusing
Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll regret later

Friday, 4 November 2016

The Sai Teachings

A fruitful Life

Are you aware of the grand goal of your pilgrimage on Earth? Do not stray into the by-lanes and wrong roads, they will only lead you to disaster. You put a lot of faith in things outside yourself and plan to derive joy from and through them. Do you not know that all joys emanate only from the spring within you? You merely envelop the outer things with your own joy, and then, you experience it as though it is from that ‘other thing!’

The recognition of your innate Divinity and the regulation of your daily living in accordance with that Truth is the guiding star for every being, who is caught in the currents and crosscurrents of strife and struggle. Without that guiding divine light, life will become a meaningless farce, a mockery, a game of fools. It is the acquisition of that Self-Awareness, which will make your life earnest and fruitful.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

The Sai Teachings


Our Actions

Spiritual texts teach us a lesson that we should regard our actions as being responsible for our sorrows or joys. But as a human being, you should perform whatever actions you have to perform. Do not think that you will achieve this or that, and do not think that you will be able to do great things without the grace of God. Do not get tired out in that process.
The kind of seeds which you have put in, which have brought you to the position in which you are today, will determine the results that you will get later on. You may be very intelligent and clever. However all your intelligence and cleverness will not enable you to get over your own Karma. Our Creator, prepares a garland of all the good and the bad that you have done as they are and He puts this round your neck when you are born. It is necessary for us to recognise this causal relationship. We are responsible for the good and the bad that we do, and our desires are in fact merely consequences of this.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Words of Wisdom

Life will keep bringing you the same test over and over again, until you pass it


You must learn a new way to think, before you can master a new way to be


They laugh at me because I am different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same


Be a writer of your life and a reader of your mind…

the more you know yourself, the less you need approval of others…


To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart


Leadership and Learning are indispensable to each other


When you focus on PROBLEMS, you get more problems; when you focus on POSSIBILITIES, you have more opportunities


“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful”


Behind us is infinite power, before us is endless possibility, around us is boundless opportunity


The more you thank Life, the more Life gives you to be thankful for


“I used to believe prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us and we change things”

Saturday, 24 September 2016

The Sai Teachings


Always chant the Lord’s name

Internalise the fact that chanting the Lord’s name is highly sacred and efficacious. It serves to remove the impurities within a person, and promotes good and sacred thoughts. When the heart is filled with truth and love, only positive thoughts will arise. There is no meaning in reciting the Lord’s name just once a year.

How often do you take food to nourish your body? Does not your mind require to be fed equally? Contemplation of the Lord is the food for the mind. To feed the belly and starve the mind is like decorating the chariot and starving the horse! To keep the chariot of the body moving, you must feed the horse of the mind. While the body is nourished in innumerable ways, feed the mind in solitude. Chant the Lord’s name constantly and silently within you. Possessing this valuable piece of wisdom, will you not fully leverage it and spare time for precious thoughts of the Lord?


The Sai Teachings

This Inner Reality

When a bird enters a hall of mirrors, it sees many reflections of its own form. It imagines that there are a multitude of birds and they are its competitors. So it keeps dashing against the mirrors and the glasses break into pieces. Now it sees as many birds as there are pieces of mirrors. When the mirrors are all shattered to tiny bits, no image is visible and the bird flies away. This is a state of ignorance.

On the contrary, when a man of wisdom enters the room, he recognises that these are all his own images and feels happy. In the same manner, the one who sees oneself in all others and looks on them as one’s own images is a true human being. The manifest principle that is visible in the external world is the same as that which exists in an individual. Names, forms and abilities are cognised as separate, but these are mere reflections. What you try to see in a mosque or a temple is inside you. All spiritual practice is undertaken to experience this inner reality.


Thursday, 25 August 2016

The Sai Teachings

Divinity and Karmic Debt

You might say that the karma of the previous birth has to be consumed in this birth and that no amount of Grace can save man from that. Evidently, someone has taught you to believe so. But I assure you, you need not suffer from karma like that.

When a severe pain torments you, the doctor gives you a morphine injection and you do not feel the pain, though it is there in the body. Grace is like the morphine; the pain is not felt, though you go through it! Grace takes away the malignity of the karma which you have to undergo.

Hence, it is wrong to say that “Karmic debt” cannot be rendered ineffective. Grace can surpass anything; nothing can stand in its way. Remember, it is the Grace of the ‘All-mighty’!


15 Indian Inventions & Discoveries that shaped the modern World

According to the celebrated American author of The Story of Civilization, Will Durant, “It is true that even across the Himalayan barrier, India has sent to the West such gifts as grammar and logic, philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all numerals and the decimal system.

India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages. She was the mother of our philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother through village communities of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all.”

Despite India’s extraordinary civilisational achievements being well documented by respected Western scholars, accurate knowledge of the country’s history has seldom entered the public domain, most especially in Britain.

This blog post about an India that many of us know little about, lists the fifteen ground-breaking contributions that India has made to the lives that all of us lead today in Britain, and around the world.

“..India has sent to the West such gifts as grammar and logic, philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all numerals and the decimal system. She was the mother of our philosophy..of much of our mathematics..of the ideals embodied in Christianity..of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all.” Will Durant.

1. The Indian/Hindu Numeral System:

Few people are aware that the numbers that we all use today are an Indian invention. Often referred to as Arabic numerals, after the Arab traders who brought Indian mathematical concepts to the West, this path-breaking Indian invention replaced the cumbersome Roman numeral system in use in the West until then, and stands as one of the greatest human inventions of all time.

“We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.” Albert Einstein.

The ingenious Indian system succeeded where the efforts of other great civilisations failed, and today underpins the foundation of modern mathematics and its infinite uses in our day-to-day lives.

Beyond the numeral system itself, a number of other critical mathematical principles also have their routes in India, whose scientific texts and discoveries were regularly studied by foreign scholars, from Greek philosophers to Arab mathematicians, and from British inventors to Nazi and Cold War era rocket and nuclear scientists.

“Nearly all the philosophical and mathematical doctrines attributed to Pythagoras are derived from India.” Ludwig von Shroeder.

2. Carburised Steel:

Ancient Indians were known pioneers in metallurgy, and had mastered the production of high quality steel more than two thousand years before the process was finally demystified (including through the scientific investigations of Michael Faraday) in Britain and Europe. The legendary Indian Wootz Steel was a source of astonishment to other great civilisations from Ancient Greece to Persia, and from Arabia to Ancient Rome. It was so advanced and prized that it was selected by King Porus as a gift over the gold and silver also offered to him by Alexander the Great.

The ancient Indian technique of making high quality steel today forms the basis of modern steel production for everything from the vehicles we travel in, to the cutlery we eat with. Barely seven decades after independence, India has again become a world leader in metallurgy and high quality steel production.

3. Contributions to Western Philosophy:

Historians are well aware that the Ancient Greeks and Romans were infatuated with India, just as our forefathers in Britain were during the early modern era. As much as the Ancient Greeks marvelled over Indian technology, town planning and state craft, they also actively sought new ideas and thoughts from India’s Vedic scriptures and philosophers, as well as by learning at ancient Indian universities such as Taxila and Nalanda.

Many scholars have pointed to significant Indian contributions to Ancient Greek philosophy, often portrayed as the foundation of human - and certainly Western - philosophy. In a thorough recent analysis in The Shape of Ancient Thought, American scholar Thomas McEvilley also details how Indian philosophy directly influenced key facets of pre-Socratic Greek philosophy.

“Is it not probable that the Brahmins were the first legislators of the earth, the first philosophers, the first theologians - The Greeks, before the time of Pythagoras, travelled into India for instruction.” Voltaire.

4. Clothing the world:

Another revolutionary Indian contribution was the development, production and use of cotton textiles for clothing. The Ancient Greeks were initially not even familiar with cotton, instead often wearing animal skins until the wars of Alexander the Great, during which they discovered and started using Indian garments, which essentially clothe all of us today.

“Hundreds of years before the Christian era, cotton textiles were woven in India with matchless skill, and their use spread to the Mediterranean countries.” The Columbia Encyclopedia.

For us in Britain, it is important to be aware that one of the pillars of our wealth as a modern nation, and a foundation of our industrial revolution, was directly derived from knowledge and experience of high quality textiles production and trade gained in India, as well as what many economic historians argue was the deliberate dismantling of India’s pioneering textiles industry. In his book The Political Economy of Imperialism, Dan Nadudere states that “It was by destroying the Indian textile industry that the British textile industry ever came up at all.”

For a broader understanding of an India that few of us are aware of, I would recommend watching the brilliant British historian Michael Wood’s The Story of India.

“If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.” Max Mueller.

5. Ancient Democracy:

The ancient republic of Athens has long been considered the oldest non-tribal, organised democracy in the world. During the modern era, racially motivated European ‘historians’ distorted or simply re-wrote significant Indian and colonial historical achievements, from pettily changing the date of the life and death of the revered Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, to make it appear as if he lived after Pericles and Socrates, to omitting known references to the existence of ancient Indian republics, known as Gana-Sangha (equal assembly), or Gana-Rajya (equal government).

In the same vein, the history of the ancient Indian republic of Vaishali, which dates back to 600 BCE - almost a century before the institution of Athenian republican democracy - was also ‘adjusted’ to support colonial propaganda of the day. Ironically, Ancient Greece itself demonstrated significant respect and attraction towards India and its achievements, but the legacy of modern-era colonial propaganda in this and many other facets of our collective history, remain with us to this day.

“Through such chronological manipulations, the threat that the Indian past presents to the Greek miracle [as postulated by European supremacists] is defused by chronology.” Thomas McEvilley.


Another completely distinct and more widely known ancient form of Indian democracy is the localised ‘panchayat’ system, which literally means an ‘assembly of five’ wise and respected elders. Unlike ancient Indian city and state-level republics, panchayats started as a form of localised grassroots democracy more than three thousand years ago, have survived the rise and fall of repeated conquests and empires, and are still a central feature of India’s modern democratic apparatus.

“India was the mother of..village communities of self-government and democracy.” Will Durant.

6. Water on the Moon:

One of Independent India’s most notable contributions to modern space exploration occurred between 2008 and 2009, with Chandrayaan-1, the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) first dedicated lunar mission.

ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) carried both ISRO and NASA instruments, of which the Indian ‘Moon Impact Probe’ first detected the presence of lunar water. This was achieved three months before NASA’s ‘Moon Mineralogy Mapper’ (also part of Chandrayaan-1) made the same breakthrough, to which the discovery of lunar water is often attributed.

“We want to thank ISRO for making the discovery possible. The moon till now was thought to be a very dry surface with lot of rocks.” Jim Green, NASA Director.

7. Einstein’s Quantum Statistics:

The scientifically advanced Germans have long been considered to be some of the world’s most ardent Indologists.

“It [The Upanishads] is the most satisfying and elevating reading which is possible in the world; it has been the solace of my life and will be the solace of my death.” Arthur Schopenhauer.

Prominent German genii from Albert Einstein to the Nazi scientists and inventors who later migrated to the United States or USSR, were eager students of Indian texts such as the remarkably advanced Upanishads. Such texts were often referenced during the 20th Century race to create nuclear technology, space rockets, jet engines and even mind control technologies, all of which are examined in India’s ancient texts.

“India - the land of Vedas, the remarkable works contain not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science has proved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all were known to the seers who founded the Vedas.” Wheeler Wilcox.

Like many Indian inventors before him, the 20th Century Bengali scientist Satyendra Nath Bose is one of modern science’s unheralded heroes. His work provided the foundations for quantum statistics, which were later endorsed, developed and published by Einstein; the 2001 Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to German and US scientists for their study of condensates, which was in fact first conducted by - and even named after - Bose; the widely covered ‘God Particle’, the Higgs-Boson, is deservedly known to be attributed to Peter Higgs, the British genius behind the Higgs particle. The other, less well known half of the Higgs-Boson is named yet again after Bose, for his ground-breaking contributions to particle physics.

“Gravitation was known to the Indians before the birth of Newton. The system of blood circulation was discovered by them centuries before Harvey was heard of.” P. Johnstone.

8. Radio/Wireless Communication:

Guglielmo Marconi has for long been credited as the inventor of wireless radio communication. He subsequently received the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics for contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy.

The first public demonstration of the use of radio waves for communication, however, was made by an Indian scientist, Jagadish Chandra Bose. Bose first demonstrated the use of radio in Calcutta, in 1895, two years before a similar demonstration by Marconi in England. More than a century after the feat, Bose has been belatedly credited for his achievement.

Bose’s revolutionary demonstration forms the foundation of the technology used in mobile telephony, radars, satellite communication, radios, television broadcast, WiFi, remote controls and countless other applications that play a central role in our daily lives.

“The inventor (J.C. Bose) has transmitted signals to a distance of nearly a mile and herein lies the first and obvious and exceedingly valuable application of this new theoretical marvel.” The Daily Chronicle, England, 1896.

9. The ‘Zero’ (0):

Little needs to be written about the ‘zero’, one of the most important inventions of all time. This mathematical digit and concept also has a direct link to the ancient philosophy of ‘nothingness’, and is one of many examples of the intermeshing of science and mathematics with spirituality and philosophy in ancient India.

"In the whole history of mathematics, there has been no more revolutionary step than the one which India made when they invented zero.” Lancelot Hogben.

Other critical branches of mathematics such as Calculus, attributed to Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, were developed to an almost identical formula by Indian mathematicians, hundreds of years before Newton & Leibniz’s findings. Similarly, the Pythagorean-theorem had been developed in India a century before an almost identical revelation in Greece.

“The study of mathematics in the West has long been characterized by a certain ethnocentric bias, a bias which most often manifests not in explicit racism, but in a tendency toward undermining or eliding the real contributions made by non-Western civilizations. The debt owed by the West to other civilizations, and to India in particular, go back to the earliest epoch of the “Western” scientific tradition, the age of the classical Greeks, and continued up until the dawn of the modern era, the renaissance, when Europe was awakening from its dark ages...

Due to the legacy of colonialism, the exploitation of which was ideologically justified through a doctrine of racial superiority, the contributions of non-European civilizations were often ignored, or, as George Ghevarughese Joseph argued, even distorted, in that they were often misattributed as European.” Dr. David Gray.

10. Complex Hydraulic Engineering:

Since the time of the Indus Valley civilisation over 5,000 years ago, and until the onset of the European colonial era in the recent past, India had created and sustained a vast and highly advanced network of canals, along with intricate irrigation, water management and sewage systems. These sewage systems were so advanced that they were designed to automatically self-clear systems blockages, as well as account for smell and odour. The world’s first flush toilets were also in use in India over 3,000 years ago, and were a feature of most homes in the Indus Valley Civilisation - the largest ancient civilisation in the world.

According to American author of historical revisionism, David Hatcher Childress, ancient India’s plumbing-sewage systems were so sophisticated that they are still superior to those of many developing countries today. Large public baths were also in existence in the Indus Valley Civilisation, thousands of years before the creation of similar Roman baths.

"A wonder to modern-day researchers, the cities [were] highly developed and advanced. A remarkable early example of city planning." David Hatcher Childress.

A system of canals similar to those created by Isambard Kingdom Brunel in the 19th Century - although infinitely larger and more complex - existed in India for thousands of years, and was the lifeblood of what was, for the majority of recorded human history until the colonial era, the world’s largest economy.

Edmund Burke, a prominent British supporter of American revolutionaries and the philosophical father of the modern Conservative party, repeatedly condemned the damage that British dominion had done to India, and specifically pointed to the callous ruination of painstakingly built Indian reservoir systems which had succeeded for thousands of years in keeping dry regions fertile, and India’s people self sufficient, nourished, and prosperous.

“In the happier times of India, a number almost incredible of reservoirs have been made in chosen places throughout the whole country. There cannot be in the Carnatic and Tanjore [alone] fewer than ten thousand of these reservoirs of the larger and middling dimensions.” Edmund Burke.



11. Medicine:

From an advanced understanding of the human nervous system, muscles and organs, to the use of vaccination techniques; from an almost infinite collection of naturally sourced drugs to the employment of holistic preventative medicine; and from a focus on fortifying immunity to mastery of the concepts of digestion and metabolism, ancient Indians have shaped the very foundations of modern medicine and healthcare.

“Indian medicine dealt with the whole area of the science. Much attention was devoted to hygiene, to the regimen of the body, and to diet.

Arabic medicine was founded on the translations from the Sanskrit treatise, made by command of the Kaliphs of Baghdad, 750-960 AD. European medicine, down to the 17th Century, was based upon the Arabic; and the name of the Indian physician Charaka repeatedly occurs in the Latin translations.” Sir William Hunter, British Historian.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, many of the herbs and spices used in Indian cuisine were not merely added to preserve or flavour food, but instead to effortless combine preventative medicine with everyday sustenance. According to the timeless Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda, it is actually considered irresponsible and representative of a poor lifestyle to even have to resort to medicine, with preventative natural medicine, i.e. herbs and spices, ingested through daily meals being the preferred option. More than 2,000 years ago, the principal contributor to Ayurveda articulated:

“It is more important to prevent the occurrence of disease than to seek a cure.” Acharya Charaka, the ‘Father of Medicine’.

12. Surgery: The concepts, operative methodologies and specialised tools of surgery that were used in India more than 2,000 years ago and first postulated during an even earlier Vedic period, and are still being developed in 21st Century Europe.

From plastic surgery that is similar in technique and approach to its modern manifestations, to highly developed midwifery, and from usage of anaesthesia to the employment of advanced childcare techniques, these much studied ancient Indian skills again form the foundation of much of our modern knowledge of surgery.

Under the Buddhist Emperor Asoka, ancient India also built a vast network of animal hospitals in which specialised veterinary surgery was also common.

“The surgery of the ancient Indian physicians was bold and skilful. A special branch of surgery was dedicated to rhinoplasty or operations for improving deformed ears, noses and forming new ones, which European surgeons have borrowed.” Sir William Hunter.

13. Religious Tolerance: Whilst Buddhism has historically sought to seek converts through peaceful persuasion, and whilst Indian religions do accept conversions to their faith, none of India’s indigenous faiths have a history of forceful conversions, and are instead identified by their pluralistic nature.

“It is an undoubted fact that in India, religions and philosophical thinkers were able to enjoy perfect, nearly absolute freedom for a long period. The freedom of thought in ancient India was so considerable as to find no parallel in the West before the most recent age.” Max Weber, German Sociologist.

Ironically, Hinduism and Buddhism have still succeeded spectacularly in spreading their message from India to vast swathes of the Far East, Indonesia to Japan, and from Thailand to China.

“India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border”. Hu Shih, Philosopher & Former Chinese Ambassador to the United States.

This non-proselytising disposition is central to the broader religious tolerance that defines Indian culture, as well as the avowedly secular character of modern India (in India, ‘secular’ means tolerant of all religions, as opposed to the European definition of non-religious). The current Prime Minister of a predominantly Hindu nation of 1.2 billion people, for instance, is from the minority Sikh community, which forms only 2% of the population; India’s Chief of the Air Staff is a Christian (2.3%); the three most prominent film stars in India’s iconic film industry - and the revered recent President of India, Professor A.P.J. Abdul Kalam - are all Muslims (14.6%); one of the world’s most prominent businessmen, Rata Tata, is an Indian Parsi (0.006%).

Historically, India has also been a long-standing refuge for persecuted minorities, with Zoroastrian Iranians (referred to as Parsis) and Jewish communities in particular having fled other parts of the world to make India a home when other major powers pursued systematic campaigns of discrimination and anti-Semitism, if not outright persecution, against them.

“The Bene Israel flourished for 2,400 years in a tolerant land that has never known anti-Semitism, and were successful in all aspects of the socio-economic and cultural life of the people of the region.” Avotaynu (the Jewish genealogical magazine).

14. Nonviolence:

More a civilisational contribution than a ‘discovery’, the active promotion of kindness and strict nonviolence as a rudiment of life spans the entirety of India’s known history, from the ancient concepts of ‘Ahimsa’, to Mahatma Gandhi’s policy of ‘Satyagraha’ (insistence on truth). It forms a core of the Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh traditions, encompasses words as well as physical actions, and extends beyond humans to animals and the environment.

Unlike most great powers, past and present, India is unique in its long-standing history of not having precipitated military invasions of foreign territories. This is in spite of India having been the world’s most pre-eminent economic power for the majority of recorded human history.

“India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of mature mind, understanding spirit and a unifying, pacifying love for all human beings.” Will Durant, American Historian.

15. Gender Equality: Another civilisational contribution, India, by the deplorably low standards of mankind, and of men in particular, yet again set early standards for humanity in the advancement of the rights of women.

Gender equality was a cornerstone of ancient Hindu texts and life, with women possessing joint ownership of property rights with men, and, inconceivably for the time, being allowed to divorce. The ancient institution of ‘Swayamvara’ was a practice whereby a potential bride chose a husband from a congregation of suitors whose aim was to win her over. ‘Swayam’ in Sanskrit means self and ‘vara’ means choice or desire.

The ancient Kama Sutra is a highly evolved (even by today’s standards) guide to harmonious relationships, family life, love, intimacy and gracious co-existence. Contrary to popular Western perceptions of the text being a ‘sex manual’, the Kama Sutra also postulates physical, spiritual and mental equality between both sexes, and is derived from one of the core pillars of Hindu philosophy, ‘kama’, which means enjoyment or passion. It was written during the era of barbarian invasions in Europe, and approximately 1,500 years before similar wisdom became freely acceptable in modern Britain.

My own faith, Sikhism, insists that any person irrespective of age or gender can lead prayer, community activity or even an entire army based on merit alone. Consequently, Guru Harkrishan became the eighth Guru of Sikhism as a five year old child, and many young girls and boys have been known to conduct prayers at Sikh temples.

A number of matriarchal communities, in which descent and inheritance is traced through maternal lineage, have existed in India for thousands of years. Matrilineal communities in modern India include the Nair, Bunt and Khasi communities. Khasi women are still known to marry multiple husbands, which has resulted in a male rights movement amongst Khasi men.

Threats to the relatively advanced rights of women in India initially came during the later Vedic age via texts such as the Smritis, which encouraged misogyny. They were further embedded through the imposition of seclusive policies such as the ‘pardah’ (veil) imposed by the Moghuls, and were additionally entrenched by the imposition of Victorian value systems and policies during colonial rule, which led to a rapid and marked decline in the status of Indian women in the modern era. I have often stated that the re-emergence of 21st Century India will not and cannot be complete by virtue of economic success or scientific prowess alone, but instead through the re-assertion of the primacy of women throughout Indian society, as per the best traditions of a much stifled indigenous culture.

“India of the Vedas entertained a respect for women amounting to worship. Here is a civilization, which places the woman on a level with the man and gives her an equal place in the family and in society.” Louis Jaccoliot, French Author.

*Abhaey Singh is the Chairman of Kauzala, and the President of the Indian Debating Union. He is best known for his talks on India, and his popular rap video ‘Talk It Out - Debaters’ Rhapsody‘ which promotes civilised debate.


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The Sai Teachings

The Sai Teachings

Heart disease – Increased cholesterol and blood pressure
Change your lifestyle – “No hurry”, No worry”, No curry”; reduce stress and enjoy a more sedate lifestyle

Avoid too much oil. Eat garlic daily and peeled almonds. Soak almonds overnight, remove peels and eat in the mornings. Reduce salt intake.


Action in order as listed below:

Proper and rigid diet control





Eat corn and millet. Lessen rice and wheat

Green, leafy vegetables and fruit with black seeds. Cabbage, apples, grapes, watermelon, papaya etc. Avoid cauliflower and all roots , especially potatoes.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Always feeling tired and having low energy levels. Good energy is being wasted by entertaining bad thoughts and improper/indiscriminate use of the senses. Direct these to the Divine by “being good, seeing good and doing good”. In this way, high energy levels will be maintained.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The Sai Teachings

One God, many names

We may get a doubt as to why God should have so many different names. Each of these in fact refers to a particular quality of the Lord. We know that in a house the son comes and addresses the head of the family as father, while the daughter-in-law calls him father-in-law, the grandson addresses him as grandfather, and the wife as “My dear husband”. Here we see that because he has established different types of relationships, he is addressed by different names by different people.

A person acquires a different name depending on the nature of work that he performs. Similarly depending on the time, situation and the country, God has been given different names that are appropriate to the situation and role He plays.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

The Sai Teachings

Pain and Pleasure

All the pains and difficulties that you get will ultimately turn out as a means to give you happiness and pleasure. Even a diamond of high quality does not get its value unless we cut the facets on it. Pure gold will not be turned into a beautiful ornament unless it is repeatedly put into fire and moulded.

Whenever you experience pains, trials, obstacles and tribulations, you should recognise them as paths for obtaining ultimate happiness. So we should be prepared to accept pain. To seek pleasure alone and not to welcome pain is not right. Pleasure comes out of pain. We should recognise that all pain will ultimately end in pleasure.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

The Sai Teachings

Love and Devotion

Divinity in the form of love enters minds and creates attachment between a person and another. If a mother shows affection to a child, we should interpret it as an aspect of the Divine and not just a bodily relationship. This aspect of the Divine present as love in the mother, expresses itself as affection. When this aspect enters the minds of friends, it takes the shape of friendship. When this spreads to various objects we like, it takes the form of desire.

If this aspect is directed towards God, we call it devotion. Because this love is present in everyone, when we say, All this is Divine”, we are stating an irrefutable truth. This is also why we say, “Love is God, Live in Love.”   

                                                      We must practice,

“Start the day with Love, spend the day with Love, fill the day with Love, end the day with Love”, as this is the way to God.


Monday, 23 May 2016

The Sai Teachings

Your Truth…

A prescribed quality is exhibited or worn as a cloak by every entity in creation. This quality is also called its dharma or truth. Just as a student in a particular class can be promoted to a higher class by effort, an individual by promoting one's own natural dharma, and giving attention to something higher and nobler, can earn promotion to a higher level. A piece of iron is worth only a few pennies, but by making suitable changes to it, you produce a watch worth a thousand rupees.

Observe here that it is change that we give to the substance, which brings the value to it and not the inherent value of the untreated material. Even an ordinary person can get an opportunity to elevate oneself to the position of a realised sage, by seeking the company of elevated beings.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Sai Teachings


The Vedas (Holy scriptures) urges us to sacrifice everything, and through sacrifice we would be able to have vision of the Divine within. The creation and its maintenance depend only on sacrifice. If there is no sacrifice, there will be no life, and the society will not remain intact.

Even from a worldly perspective, if we do not give out the breath that we take in, we cannot live. If blood is not constantly flowing from one place to another every instant, we cannot live. Unless the clouds give up the water they have gathered, they cannot remain as clouds. That is why it is said, what you cannot get by your knowledge and effort can be got by sacrifice. If we think that something is good and welcome it, some bad too may come in the process. That which gives you happiness when it comes will also cause sorrow when it goes away from you. Whether it is the good or the bad, we have to sacrifice continuously.


Thursday, 19 May 2016

The Sai Teachings

Being Humane

Children without good qualities, education without character building as its objective, and life which has no morality, are purposeless. An individual without peace of mind and the world which has no moon shining in it are similar. Every item of creation in this world has some distinctive feature and a character of its own. If any item gives up this distinctive aspect, it will destroy itself.

For example, fire has the ability and quality to burn. Water has the ability to flow. Man has got the quality of human nature, and an animal has the quality of being brutal. When the ability to burn disappears, you cannot call it fire. When the ability to flow disappears, you cannot call it water. Similarly when the inner vision or the basic human nature disappears in an individual, you cannot call him a human being. Being humane is the natural quality of a human being.


Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The Sai Teachings

The Goal of Life

What is the origin of pride? Is it knowledge? No! It is ignorance. What is the cause of ignorance? It is the feeling of duality. Where did duality originate? From attachment and hatred. What is the origin of these two? They are the products of circumstances. How did circumstances come about? Through Karma (past deeds).

What is the cause of Karma? Birth! Thus be clear that birth is the cause of all sorrow. Only by seeking freedom from birth that you can free oneself from sorrow. The opportunity of a human birth must be used for realising this supreme goal. The duty of parents is to set children on the right path from their early years. They should not hesitate to correct them and even punish them when the children take to wrong ways. The best way parents can show their love for their children is to do everything necessary to lead them on the righteous path.


The Sai Teachings

Pride and Ego

A game of football is played by two teams with ten players in each team playing on each side of the field. Each team strives to score a goal by shooting the ball between the two goal posts. Life is a game in which you must lead your life between the two goal posts of secular and spiritual education.

 While playing football, one kicks the ball as long as it is filled with air. Once the football is deflated, nobody will kick it. The air in the football signifies the presence of ego. A person swayed by ego will receive blows until they are devoid of ego. A deflated ball is taken by the hands, while an inflated ball is kicked mercilessly.

Similarly a humble person is well respected, whereas an egoistic person becomes the target of all sorts of attacks. Secular things come and go, whereas spiritual gains stay forever. Hence let spirituality constitute the basis of all your activities.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

The Sai Teachings

Spiritual Practice

A person’s life depends upon three essential things - thoughts, words and deeds. When desires arise, one immediately takes it to their mind. For any thought, mind is the basis. The thought that comes to your mind will be exposed to the world as a word from your mouth, and once you utter those words, then, to put it into practice, you take action.

When you are able to apply these three—thought, word, and action along the right path, you earn merit; but if you apply them along the wrong path, you earn sin. Thus for good and bad, you need thoughts, words, and deeds. Only when there is harmony between thoughts, words, and actions; you will be able to recognise your own true nature. To keep them pure and in harmony, you must undertake some kind of spiritual practice. This is of utmost need today.