Sunday 22 May 2016

The Sai Teachings


The Vedas (Holy scriptures) urges us to sacrifice everything, and through sacrifice we would be able to have vision of the Divine within. The creation and its maintenance depend only on sacrifice. If there is no sacrifice, there will be no life, and the society will not remain intact.

Even from a worldly perspective, if we do not give out the breath that we take in, we cannot live. If blood is not constantly flowing from one place to another every instant, we cannot live. Unless the clouds give up the water they have gathered, they cannot remain as clouds. That is why it is said, what you cannot get by your knowledge and effort can be got by sacrifice. If we think that something is good and welcome it, some bad too may come in the process. That which gives you happiness when it comes will also cause sorrow when it goes away from you. Whether it is the good or the bad, we have to sacrifice continuously.


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