Saturday 24 September 2016

The Sai Teachings


Always chant the Lord’s name

Internalise the fact that chanting the Lord’s name is highly sacred and efficacious. It serves to remove the impurities within a person, and promotes good and sacred thoughts. When the heart is filled with truth and love, only positive thoughts will arise. There is no meaning in reciting the Lord’s name just once a year.

How often do you take food to nourish your body? Does not your mind require to be fed equally? Contemplation of the Lord is the food for the mind. To feed the belly and starve the mind is like decorating the chariot and starving the horse! To keep the chariot of the body moving, you must feed the horse of the mind. While the body is nourished in innumerable ways, feed the mind in solitude. Chant the Lord’s name constantly and silently within you. Possessing this valuable piece of wisdom, will you not fully leverage it and spare time for precious thoughts of the Lord?


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