Introduction & understanding
Modern history has taught us there have been a few
outstanding individuals who have touched and influenced the lives of many. To
name a few such people; Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and
more recently, Nelson Mandela. All of them have had a profound influence, not
only in their respective countries but also on the world arena. They held
closely to a set of objectives and principles and lived their lives accordingly
to ensure success. This type of “attitude” and “thinking” must be our goal.
From an early age in the 60’s, we did the “party
scene”. I can now look back on those years just wondering at my reasoning for
putting my mind and body through those dark periods of wear and tear. From then
to now, nothing much has changed and has unfortunately gone progressively worse. Present social ills plaguing our society
is as a direct result of substance abuse and not living in accordance with our
inherent human values. Big business and the drug cartels are the only
profiteers; we, the consumers, not only are out of pocket but also risk poor
health in body and mind. So, let us all be aware of these pitfalls and from now
on tread responsibly.
The universal teachings
portrayed in these chapters have been handed down to us in scriptural writings
and discourses by the learned Saints and Sages of all persuasions over the last
few millennia, the most recent of whom was Swami Sathya Sai Baba of India, who
passed on in April, 2012. Their legacy to us are their universal teachings.
“To whichever religion you belong, adhere
strictly to and most importantly, practise its teachings”.
is “Simple Living, Higher Thinking”?
Simple Living is a way to live without extravagance.
At birth we were unaware of luxury, so as adults, why not be satisfied and
thankful for all that we have. Look around you and will notice how much excess
surrounds you; in your thoughts and actions, in your wardrobe, in the kitchen
etc. These are all extra baggage you can do without. In other words, they weigh
you down and hinder your progress in life. Rid yourself of these, making your
journey in this lifetime lighter, much more pleasant and comfortable.
Higher Thinking means exactly what the words imply. We
must apply our minds to think rationally
through right enquiry and right discernment. In other words, we must
analyse our thoughts and actions through self-enquiry and make informed
decisions based on the same.
Each of us has 5 inherent human values: Love, Peace, Truth, Righteousness and
Non-violence. We will need to integrate these ideals into our everyday
living to make a meaningful change in our lives and to those around us .Hence,
“Simple Living, Higher Thinking”. Much more will be discussed on this subject
as we progress further.
Many of us may not be fortunate enough to have all of
“life’s comforts”- there are many out there with far less and whose needs and
wants may be far greater than ours. It beholds us to help those in need, giving
off our time, money or any other means possible to help. There is no reward for
selfless service but you will experience inner joy.
Remember, the ideals contained in “Simple Living,
Higher Thinking”, can positively impact on others. Realize that you are taking
the initial steps of creating an environment of peace and tranquillity within
your society. Like-minded people will follow your example and your circle of
positive influence will expand thereafter.
The principle of Divinity (God) underlies all practices
intended to make one better understand our purpose in this lifetime. In these
pages, I will highlight some of the more salient teachings that we need to
learn to understand and most importantly,
in Diversity
To activate all the many lights, switches and
appliances in your home, there is only one electric current. Likewise, we are
all connected to each other by the principle of Divinity, mostly referred to as
the “Divine Self”. It is a part of us that is connected to God, and at that
level, we are all connected.
All religions acknowledge this fact: Judaism refers
to it as “Teshuvah”, Christianity – the “Spirit within”; Hinduism – the “Atman”.
Other religions refer to it as the “Soul”.
In light of this Truth, we need to recognise the
Divinity in all and accord the courtesy and respect due to each of us. All of
us are in Him and the God in one is the same as in every other being. We are like many waves on the face of an
underlying ocean. Make efforts to comprehend this Oneness, this unity in diversity. We only see physical differences
in people through our ignorance, but forget to recognise our underlying
Higher Self // the lower Self
The Self refers to your “inner being” and not to the
physical body. Individual reconstruction
is the most important need today. The mind has to be cleansed of all
impurities and then only can we proceed further. The mind is like a garden that
needs to be rid of all weeds and thorny shrubs. Prepare the soil; plant
seedlings; water the garden every day and watch your garden turn into a haven
of flowers, beautiful and full of colour.
Likewise, we need to rid ourselves of anger, greed,
lust, envy, hate and malice. Overcome these and live with peace and happiness
in the “higher self”. Herein is our true human nature. Learn and nurture the
values of Love, Truth, Peace, Righteousness and Non-violence. Live your life
accordingly and peace and happiness will manifest. This must be our first goal
of our journey.
The 5 senses (hear, see, feel, smell and taste) are
like wild, untutored servants who dictate terms to the master, the Mind. The
mind has to be subdued by you, and then only will the servants obey your every
command. The senses prompt the mind to build up a whole array of urges and
impulses which we call desires. Control these desires or they will cause you
much misery and unhappiness. Remember,
come from Attachment
comes from Detachment
The Mind is the King,
the senses are the Soldiers. The
soldiers are now ruling the King because he lends his ears to them and not the
intellect, who is the Prime Minister. Let
your intellect take charge.
Add Value to your Life
An empty jewel box only has value if there are jewels in it. Likewise, your body too will be honoured when it contains the jewel of Divine Consciousness and the gems called virtues. Utilize these gems to enhance your life.
Even if you no steady faith in God or a Higher Power, start by controlling the vagaries of the mind, the pull of the ego and the attractions of sense-attachments. Be helpful to others and though they may not thank you, your conscience itself will appreciate you and keep you happy and content.
The Number One Rule
Arise, awake and establish forever the mansions of Truth, Love, Peace, Righteousness and Non-violence. Quench the burning flames of ignorance, injustice and envy with the waters of Love, Forbearance and Truth. Sweep away all jealousy and anger.
Each of us must realise our own faults and understand it is of no use in searching for faults in others. That is a mere waste of time and also breeds quarrels. Forget your past and repent sincerely for your misdeeds without yielding to dejection; tread the path of prayer to God with good deeds and brotherly love to all.
Happiness and Peace
Everyone is after happiness. The hunt for comfortable jobs, palatial homes, positions of influence and all sorts of comforts are all evidences of the eagerness to live in happiness. But, there is no real eagerness to live in Peace. Happiness should not be confused with peace. Being rich, prosperous or well-positioned does not necessarily entitle you to peace.
Realise the physical is subordinate to the spiritual. Mere terror and counter-terror will not establish harmony. The secret to peace lies in selfless service and love towards all beings. There are no material rewards, only the experience of personal inner joy. International peace cannot dawn until the minds are cleansed of hatred and terror. Remove these two evil traits within each heart and plant in there Love and Service.
Our Thoughts and Actions speak louder than our Words
Always dwell on lofty thoughts. When air enters a balloon, it takes the shape of the balloon. So too, the mind takes the form of the objects with which it is attached to. If it gets fixed on small things, it becomes small. If it is focused on noble and grand ideas, it becomes thus.
Discriminate before you develop attachment. If your attachment is for family and material possessions, you will experience grief when they pass or decline. Develop sincere and steady attachment towards the Divine and you will grow in love and splendour. Remember, you are judged by your spiritual discipline, thoughts and sense-control.
Cycle of Life
Give up all attachments and engage in acts dedicated to the Lord.
The Scriptures emanated from God; Actions (Karma) emanated from the Scriptures; from Actions resulted Worship, resulting in Rain; from Rain grew Food and from Food came all Living Beings.
This is the cycle that has to be accepted and honoured. Have steady faith in the Atman and dedicate all your efforts to God, with no desire for success, egoism, possession or pride.
If the wheel of Creation is to move smoothly, each one has to continuously engage in action. None can escape this obligation, whoever it is.
Respect and Revere Your Parents
The Mother’s lap is the school for all and the first place of worship. There is no God higher than the Mother. To recognise this truth about one’s mother is the duty of every person. Your father is your treasure and mother, your God.
Instead of valuing such precious wealth, people engage in all sorts of activities to acquire riches and possessions. Father and mother are inseparable like the word and its meaning. The “indwelling spirit” in both of them is the same Divine Spirit. Everyone should cherish their parents as embodiments of the Divine.
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