“Life”- Sri Swami Chidananda
What is Life?
To live for God is Life
There is no treasure
greater than the treasure of the great Reality (God). All our thoughts and
actions must be directed to experiencing and achieving this truth.
“What shall it profit if he shall gain the
whole world and lose his own soul?”
With our entire being, we
must endeavour to have It, to possess It, to cherish It. You should entreat It,
ask It, and pray to It saying:
“Let my entire being
dwell in You. Let no part of me, even for a little while; ever swerve from
being totally directed towards You”.
We have been given this
human birth for this one task which alone makes life worthwhile. You live when
you are aware that you have your being in God and that same Supreme Spirit
dwells within you. We must behold the Divine everywhere, in all things, at all
times in the midst of all activities. That is the only thing that there is. All
other things are illusions and delusions. The one solid reality is that Being
who is your beginning, your middle and your end; your source and support and
your ultimate fulfilment. Let us actively move towards God with our total
being every moment of our life.
Life is upheld by Sacrifice
All life on Earth is made
possible by the process of self-giving, the offering of oneself for the benefit
of the whole.
EARTH (grains, fruit, vegetables, grass)
For the Life and Survival of All
Earth is thus upheld by self-offering, giving of oneself (Sacrifice)
One who realises this
truth that prevails in human life and keeps up this chain of sacrifice, is wise?
By benefiting everyone, that individual benefits himself, experiencing peace,
joy and perfection. Anything to the contrary, is against the will of God,
resulting in personal misery, restlessness, disappointment and frustration.
This is due to lack of understanding that our highest good lies not in wanting
the Universe to serve us but in us serving the Universe. By this great spirit
of sacrifice, you are indeed on your way to the highest blessedness.
The Science of Living
The process of making
your life a Godward ascent has to be worked out where you are and as you are,
presently. This process has to be in conjunction with your outer life and not
treated as a separate process.
Your Godward ascent is
your foremost task and prime duty in this lifetime. You have to learn the skill
of how to be involved in the outer life, yet moving without ceasing, towards
God. You have to learn both the science of living and the art of being active
on both the inner and outer planes - spiritual and secular.
Commence with
self-assessment - see yourself through your daily action and reactions; what
you say or do arises out of what you are thinking and feeling about things,
persons and situations. The level of your inner being (emotions, feelings and
thoughts) decides the type of actions and reactions you are manifesting in the
outer realm. This is where you need to begin and start to correct things. Get
rid of all that you have accumulated which is at variance with your Godly
nature. Since we do not know the nature of God, you must study the science of
God-realisation or we can go to the embodiments of that science, the saints and
sages. Know how they lived and brought transformation in their nature and
attained the Supreme Reality.
We regard God as being an
ocean of compassion, forgiveness and love. So the first thing in our
transformation is rid ourselves of all hatred, anger, violence, lust etc. and
be a centre of compassion and kindness. The spiritual life starts by turning
away from all that gives pain and suffering to others, becoming yourself a
centre of good will and loving kindness.
Through spiritual
practise, you become aware of yourself on a higher level than that of normal
awareness. Then comes into you an awareness that you are above at the human
level and where you know yourself to be related to Divinity. You find you are
in essence a spiritual being above and beyond time and space, above birth and
death and above names and forms. You discover yourself in relation not only to
this world, but to the Creator of all things. You now know that the physical
body and the mind are only passing phenomena and there is something else that
is real. When this awareness dawns, being spiritual becomes the most natural
thing for you to do.
Four principles to
remember - to lead to peace, bliss and illumination:
a) If you want to attain
God, then be like God
b) Fill your life with
all that is sublime
c) God alone is the
d) Truthfulness
Some basic Truths of Life
Death is certain
If we do not recognise
and realise the certainty of death, we are living in delusion. The root cause
of all sorrow is this delusion. Death is not at all unexpected but this truth
is based on actuality and we must accept it and always remember it.
Time is precious, do not
waste it. Resolve right now “I will strive for my great goal in life -
Liberation. I will attend to all my duties and obligations without showing
laziness or lethargy”. Time wasted is time lost forever.
The World is an abode of
Your goal is hindered by
the deceptive attraction of the sense objects all around us. Your attention is
scattered through the five holes of the senses. You do not realise that this is
only a delusion and no real and lasting happiness can be had from these objects.
So long as the delicious
and tasty food is in your mouth, there is a pleasant sensation. Once it goes
inside, it is all over.
You are enslaved by the
sense objects only when you think that there is some happiness in them. Once
you discover their true nature through discrimination, you are no longer
deluded and become established in total detachment. You go through life as a
master of situation and not as a slave to every attractive sense object. Realising
this truth, you steadily advance towards the Goal.
Everybody has a Divine
Your destiny is to
transcend sorrow and sufferings, pain and misery and to attain a state characterised
by Bliss, Peace and Perfection. You are given this human birth only to attain
this state, known as God. It is that Experience-absolute where all sorrows
disappear, where all doubts vanish. It is transcending all sorrow, pain, grief,
delusion and bondage. You are in a state of absolute freedom and fearlessness.
You do not belong in this
passing world, you are only a traveller and one day you have to die. If your
life is properly directed and used, you can attain this goal in this very life.
Recognition of Oneness of all Life
Scriptures declare that
“The entire Universe that we see is nothing other than the Universal Reality
(Supreme Truth). That alone is. All is verily this Universal Reality. In the
Reality there is no duality”.
Diversity, more than
unity, seems to be the law of creation. But if you trace all diversities to
their source, they will be found to be based on having a singleness of source.
A tree is full of diverse branches, twigs, leaves and flowers, but it springs
from one root.
God or Divinity is the
principle of existence. Beings exist because the Divinity exists within them.
This principle is common to all that exists and forms the basis for oneness of
all life.
Be always aware: “I am
one with all that lives in my Essential Self. Existence is one. Life is one”.
Knowing this truth, they would not do unto others that which they would not
like to be done unto themselves. To grow into this awareness is to realise that
the One Divine spark dwells in all beings.
The Life that you are
meant to Live
All differing religious
scriptures proclaim their martyrs came on Earth to do good to the people by
bringing happiness, consolation, hope, inspiration, love, and elevation. These
qualities are essentially human as each of us is endowed with.
A person who whilst
making a living and looking after himself, is also ceaselessly engaged in the
welfare of others and benefiting God’s creation, such a life is a really true
life and fully lived.
And the life of a human
being who lives for God and not only for humanity, such a life is not only a
well-lived life, such life has no death. It is divine and eternal life, a life
in God where you know yourself as a part of God. You live as That, manifesting
divinity through thought, word and deed. Such a life you are meant to live.
Strive for it and be blessed.
The True Purpose of Life
So far we have
established there is only one permanent Reality (God) behind the names and
forms that constitute this universe. That Reality, that Truth is of the nature
of Blessedness. That is a state of freedom, limitless peace, boundless wisdom
and indescribable bliss. This eternal state is your real abode and ultimate
destiny. This life has been given to you to attain this state and is your true
Man is ever engaged in
activity but the happiness that he seeks always eludes him. Unfortunately, he
is searching for something where it is not. How can sense objects of this
world, which is impermanent and always changing, give happiness? In the end,
disappointment and dissatisfaction sets in.
Happiness is a state of
inner life and is not related to the external state of opulence and the fulfilment
of wants. Happiness is to be found only in freedom, which is within your own
self and has as its source the permanent and eternal Self (God). This (bliss)
is your very nature and you are that Bliss. This principle must be taught to
children from the beginning in order that they may lead a life of purpose and
Secular and Spiritual Lives - a Reconciliation
In our worldly lives, we
perform duties daily and these must be reconciled with our spiritual life,
striving for perfection and the attainment of Bliss. The body, mind, senses and
intellectual faculties have to be used as instruments to bring us closer to the
attainment of Bliss.
Man finds himself
entangled in desires and cravings of the mind and considers himself the servant
of the senses. He does not understand that these instruments have not been
given for endless rounds of sensual pleasures and objective enjoyments. As part
of a community, he should live a life of honest labour, caring for himself and
family and offering selfless service to those in need. His worldly life must be
based on the principles of truth and honesty.
As right actions must be
followed in external life, so must right thinking prevail in mental life.
Internal self-enquiry, how does one think and act in relation to one’s own self
and to others, must be an integral part of one’s personality. Thus, through the
intellect, you may find out how thoughts operate, how the senses deceive you
and how thoughts and senses may be controlled.
Don’t become a slave to
the senses, but be a master of the mind. Thus the body and mind may be made to
serve their proper functions in life and the physical, mental and intellectual
aspects of the personality trained in a practical way to advance you in
spiritual life.
When all aspects of the
worldly life are thus harmonised, you can proceed in your chosen vocation,
always being mindful of the principle of righteousness. You have been given
this unique opportunity of a human birth; make an earnest effort to attain
“Blessedness and the Bliss of Realization”.
What am I living for?
There should be an urge in you for
self-improvement. Life is not meant for routine mundane activity, nor being a
slave to sensual pleasures. It is an ascent towards perfection, living for a
noble ideal. Life is meant for God-Realisation.
How does one live an
ideal life in this ever-changing world amongst people, undergoing various experiences
in different circumstances?
To begin with, we have to
change, our thoughts and actions. As an example, we must “speak little, but
speak softly; be kind, be compassionate”. There are sacred poems and prayers
that we can adopt and apply their teachings in our daily activities. Thus, we
give ourselves objectives to live by.
In these ways we become a
source of good to others, becoming compassionate, tolerant and helpful. This is
the goal we must try to achieve in life. In time, we will become better and
ideal persons.
“Whatever I want that others should be towards
me, let me be the first to begin the process”; others will then follow,
learning from my example. This is life - working upon ourselves day by day,
moving towards a state of perfection. Move towards that which makes your life
well lived, which makes you think you have not lived in vain.
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