Sunday, 14 July 2013

From a Worldly to a Spiritual Perspective


From a Worldly to a Spiritual perspective

based on the teachings of Swami Sathya Sai Baba

A human life is a journey of evolution - the Mind and Body  (mental and physical) grows through change from birth until death.

Most of us receive an education which equips us to find suitable employment to earn a living. Others are more fortunate to have their own businesses. We hope the end result will provide sufficiently for us to maintain a healthy and comfortable lifestyle in our old age.

However, in this journey you are always exposed to changing circumstances - some good, others not. World recession and economic collapse, unemployment, lack of housing, cost of proper health care, education etc. affect our lives daily.

We can alleviate most of these problems if we, as human beings, change our “attitude” and “lifestyle” - from a worldly to a spiritual perspective and live accordingly.

Firstly, we need to analyse the reason for this human birth; then recognise our “true nature” that is essentially Divine; finally, live our lives in Truth and merge in our Source, as destined by our Creator.

This goal is surely attainable since we all have the credentials for success within each of us.

Why have we taken this human birth? Our primary reason is to end our cycle of birth and death - we must merge in our Creator, who is also our source.

Swami Sathya Sai Baba of India teaches us how to conduct our lives based on the Atmic (Soul) principle of Love. Swami always mentions - Love is God, live in Love.  Love all, serve all - live a simple life to include charity to our less fortunate fellow beings and do self-sacrifice without expecting any reward for our actions.

Unerring faith in the “Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man” plays an important role as a means of achievement. There is only One God who is the father to all beings. To whichever religion you belong to, ardently practise its teachings. You will find that all religions emphasise the universal principle of “Love thy neighbour as thy self”. On the highest level, this will translate that an individual is part of a universal Self or God.

Our “true nature” is one of Divinity, encompassing the five human values of Truth, Righteousness, Love, Peace and Non-violence. To live our lives in these values will ensure mergence with the Divine.

Our focus must be initially to purify the Mind. Remove anger, lust, greed, envy, hatred etc., and consecrate all our actions and thoughts to the Lord. You will see the Lord in all His creation, animate and inanimate objects. In other words, you surrender yourself to the Lord. 


Remember, all is His. Our health, wealth, possessions etc. are transitory, nothing is permanent. The only exception is death of the body and the only reality is our Creator.

If we can limit our desires, then the mind can be controlled. Swami frequently says “less luggage makes travel light” You wont be burdened on your journey through this life. How long has it been since you did an inventory of your closets? I am sure you probably do not use the majority of these clothes and accessories. Donate these to a needy organisation. It will make others happy.

Think of all that space and time that is available in your life to do the things that mean something dear to you. What a waste holding on to things that clutter your life. Get started today - cleanse the Mind and Body.

Arise early and do light exercises. Eat sensibly. Read a little each day from your religious scriptures and endeavour to practise these teachings. Take these further to your family members and friends. Very soon, this will become a way of living, incorporating the five human values. Imagine, children being reared in this environment and the benefits that will accrue in future societies.

This must be our ambition - to create a society of responsible individuals through the medium of their religious beliefs.

 God is    no where
 God is    now here

The Swami further advises:

That Thou Art

All of you are embodiments of Divinity; your forms are Divine and you are not different from God. Experience this unity which is Truth. God is not separate from you but is manifest in you. Seeing God as the various forms and names is nothing but a mere dream. As long as you are asleep the dream appears real. The moment you are awake, the experience vanishes. Therefore, firmly establish yourself in this truth, “That Thou Art”.

God is within you in the form of Consciousness, always follow your Conscience. Some of us do not do so because of attachment to the body. You have been endowed with the precious gift of the body with the sense organs to discharge your duties and to do good deeds. Always do things that are acceptable to God.

The Divine Self

The “Divine Self” has no entry or exit, no form or imperfection. Like space, it is all pervasive and being “everything”, it is free from the feelings of “I” and “Mine”.

Just as fire is heat, the “Divine Self” is Consciousness. The intellect, like the Moon, has no light by itself; it only reflects the brilliance of the “Divine Self”, which is like the Sun. The Sun dispels darkness and is called the “enlightener”. It is neither doing this consciously, nor is it duty bound. So too, the “Divine Self” has no obligation or duty. The “Divine Self” is the core of all beings, the Awareness in all.

Follow the Holy Path

If you tread the holy path of Truth, Love, Peace, Righteousness and Non-violence, the Lord Himself will bestow on you all that is needed, deserved and give you peace of mind. Offer everything to the Lord without any desire for the result and this will yield complete joy.    

It is very easy to utter the Truth and walk the path of Righteousness. It is a very pleasant task to speak out the Truth, something just as it is; to speak of what is not, one has to create the non-existent and tell a lie. It causes fear, fantasy, restlessness and worry.

So instead of following sensory actions which cause all these troubles and complications, follow actions that liberate you to the path of “Atmic Bliss”, which is true, eternal and holy.


Your Enemies and Your Friends

Your bad thoughts are your worst enemies and thoughts based on Truth are your best friends. Do practise to make friendship with the eternal Truth, the ever-present God. Worldly friends and enemies change with the passage of time, but God is the one true and eternal friend. God is in you and also surrounds you, protecting you just as the eye lid protects the eye.

When you worship God with Love, Truth and Righteousness, He will manifest Himself immediately. You can achieve anything if you have firm faith in God as your friend.

No end to your Wish List

One wish leads to another and this goes on like a never ending chain. Initially, you want a fancy car, comfortable home, marriage, children etc. After this you desire the children finish their education and the list goes on and on, without you being really aware of your desires.

The joy one gets by fulfilment of any desire is imperfect, limited and temporary. The secret to true happiness lies in detachment. The mind must be tamed to be unaffected by success and failure, gain and loss, well-being and illness. Let the Lord’s will prevail at all times.

Your True Relatives

Always be mindful of the fact that though you are a physical body, you are part of a spiritual family who will always accompany you and be with you.

Truth is your father

Love is your Mother

Wisdom is your Son

Peace is your Daughter

Devotion is your Brother

Yogis are your Friends

Light only has value when there is darkness; it has no value by itself. In times of sorrow, evoke the principle of Divinity. It will certainly shed illumination and light in moments of darkness and bring joy to you.

The Role of Women

Women play a crucial role in cultivating charity, unity, purity and Divinity. Truth, sacrifice and peace are predominant qualities in women. A good wife is of value only to her husband, whereas a good mother is a national asset. Only dedicated mothers can offer to the nation children who strive for the country’s great future. Good mothers, who are broad-minded and who care for the purity and spiritual growth of their children, are the need of the day for the well-being of the community. 

Human Values

To realise Divinity, we firstly must understand human qualities; otherwise our spiritual efforts are futile.

Without learning the alphabets, how can one understand the meaning and usage of words, sentences and phrases? Human values are the basic alphabets of spirituality. Develop human values of Truth, Love, Peace, Righteousness and Non-violence, and have unflinching faith in the Divine; master this and our efforts will be fruitful.

Whenever you have an unpleasant experience, you must have firm faith that it is for something good that you will be enjoying in the near future. So, stop worrying. Remember, there is no pleasure without pain.

4 Goals of Life

They are Righteousness, Wealth, Desire and Liberation, and must be pursued in pairs. Wealth has to earned through Righteousness and our Desire must be for Liberation from this cycle of birth and death. Man takes these 4 goals and puts them in separate compartments and adopts distinct plans to achieve them. He gives up Righteousness and Liberation as beyond him and wastes his life pursuing only Desire and Wealth. This leads him to losing everything and ultimately, ruin. 




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