“Musings on Awareness”
Prof. G. Venkataraman
refers to a state of Total
Understanding, which in turn means realising that God is in everything,
everywhere, all the time.
do we actually experience this Eternal Omnipresence of God and why do we have
to do that?
all engage in “action”, be it voluntary (conscious action) or involuntary
(breathing). We need firstly to consider:
. How we relate to the environment and the
entities as action takes place in a particular setting and a particular
Golden Triangle // Inter -connectedness
hypothetical example -place the Lord at the apex of the triangle, Man at the
lower left and Society/Nature at the lower right. Let us learn man's
interaction with God, Society and Nature.
worldly life, man usually forgets God and also the need to follow Truth and
Right Conduct especially in business transactions, giving rise to corrupt
businessmen and politicians, greedy doctors, who are more concerned about
payment than administering treatment and so forth.
actions are contrary to our Divine Nature. Man forgets God not only in dealing
with his fellow human beings but also in dealing with Nature, resulting in wide
scale destruction and ravaging of the ecosystem and the environment. Big
Corporations also exacerbate these problems. We fail to realise that the same
God we pray to is also the same Spirit present in all creation, in the physical
and subtle forms.
must realise that we all are children of God, the same God, no matter to
which religion we belong. Next, we must realise that we live on a planet called
Earth, which is a part of Nature. All humans live on this planet and there is
only one owner, which is God. This compassionate God, has not only provided us
with free accommodation, but has also given us:
Air, to breathe; Water, to drink; and Sunlight, to enable us to see.
individual and Society are two sides of the same coin. If the individual is the
microcosm, then Society is the macrocosm. So, Society is a macro manifestation
of the individual and that God is immanent in Society the same way He is
immanent also in the individual. It is for that reason one
must serve Society, for when we serve Society in the spirit of selfless love
and without expectation of reward, we are in fact serving the Lord Himself
“Service to Man is service to God”
“Hands that serve are holier than
lips that pray”
need to lead disciplined and righteous lives to earn peace and happiness. We
must see God in Society as also in Nature.
Spirit within is what drives people to let the “divine light” within, shine. By
helping others, we inadvertently do our duty to Society.
and the Spirit of Youth
is the responsibility of children, especially sons, to take care of aged and
ailing parents. The argument today is that we live in different times; both
husband and wife have to go to work and the pressures of modern day living
unbearable. This may be true, but children must always remember the sacrifices
made by their parents in their upbringing.
every young couple must pose this question to themselves “How would I feel if
I'm driven out of home when I am old, discarded like a worn-out shoe?
The young must start their lives, not by
demanding their rights but by recognising their responsibilities
is a limb of Society; Society is a limb of Nature; and finally Nature itself is
a limb of God. To appreciate this concept, we may consider a simple analogy.
start with a finger. The finger is a part of the hand; the hand in turn is a
part of the forearm, which is a part of the full arm; the arm is part of the
body as a whole. So, here we have a practical example of a hierarchy in
relation to the body of man. Can you ever envisage a situation where the hand
would deliberately injure or harm the arm or body? In the same way, every human
who is true to his or her nature cannot harm Society and Nature.
am I
one of us does have different identities: at the bodily level, we are the son
or daughter of so and so; at an emotional level; we are defined by virtue of
our behavioural characteristics, being kind, compassionate, cruel, miserly etc.
people recognise our divine identity which is the most important identity at
the spiritual level. If an individual feels that there is a God within them,
can you imagine how this affects his or her relationship with Society. The
realisation that God is very much in Society becomes evident. Then, adherence
to morality under all circumstances is a part of that individuals personality.
a Society where divinity is manifest, it would care for its citizens,
especially the poor and helpless. What are the poor desperate for? Food,
shelter, clothing, health care, education etc. Today, there is hardly any
Society that is bothered about these.
security: The root of the oil problem is “oil addiction”, especially by
advanced countries. The growing demand for luxury goods has fuelled the energy
consumption of humanity. Electricity companies are happy about the profits they
make, economists are satisfied that market forces are prevailing but everyone
is choking with polluted air. This is the kind of illusion we are sucked into
because of our ever increasing wants. Instead, why do we not think in terms of
a simpler lifestyle and place a lid on excessive and wasteful consumption? We
are being brain-washed by big business with multi-million Rand advertising budgets,
trapping us into limitless consumerism. This greed decimates the “Golden
on Desires
are allowing modern life to envelope us and then swallow us. We can prevent
this by making a serious effort to place
a ceiling on our desires, which is the only way to responsible and
reasonable consumerism.
consumerism would lead to lower energy demands > significant reduction in
burning of fossil fuels > less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere > cleaner
air to breathe > lesser respiratory problems, better health and fewer
medical bills > a healthier Society.
The less desires we have, the more time we can make
for God. This
is an important spiritual truth we have to digest.
elections cannot be contested without the “big money of vested interests”. Soon
after elections, even in so called democracies, the financiers move in to get
their rewards. And they do so by getting the government to lay down policies
that favour them rather than the public. In the process, the government often
ceases to represent Society; instead, it works to meet the demands of these
lobbyists. As a result, Society does not get what is good for it.
is not Spiritual?
fields of life, including politics, bear a direct relationship to spirituality.
Even Mahatma Gandhi never forgot spirituality while being immersed in politics
“A man is but the product of his
thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes”.
“There is an indefinable
mysterious power that pervades everything. I feel it though I cannot see it”
and Nature
man refers to ancients as superstitious and ignorant people. He ridicules them
for worshipping mountains, rain, sky, animals and even snakes”.
look what modern is doing:
He is not just cutting trees but wiping out whole forests
He is not just killing animals but wiping out whole species
God gave man pure air to breathe, instead he is polluting it hugely
God gave man water to drink; he not only wastes but also pollutes it
who is better? Ancient man who reveres and respects Nature or modern man who
thinks he owns Nature and is causing harm to it without realising he is causing
harm to himself”.
Mother Earth, 10 Billion Children to Feed
By 2050, the Earth's
population is estimated to be about 10 billion. Would we be able to feed
from spiritual reasons, conservationists have done some practical calculations
and have come up with a very compelling reason why mankind simply cannot afford
to eat meat, which is now so popular in most countries. Believe it or not, it
has all to do with land and water.
Food = Land +
The embedded water content of a
product is the total volume of fresh water that is used to produce the product
(1 kg) (in litres)
Wheat 1300
Rice 3400
Milk (1L) 1000
Sugar 1500
Chicken 3900
Beef 1550
1 Apple 70
1 Cotton Shirt 2700
1 cup of Tea 80
1 x A4 Paper 10
of God
must go through life with full awareness of his Cosmic nature and his Cosmic
connection with Creation. This awareness is vital because it alone gives
expression to the Soul of man.
world is full of problems and mostly due to the dominance of the head over the
heart, with the soul being denied self-expression. The head can easily create
problems but seldom solves them, especially when the problems arise from lust,
greed, anger and jealousy. By denying our finer nature, we keep shutting out
the soul from being given a chance to bring peace and harmony to a troubled
Signature in every Atom
creation, be animate or inanimate, is made up of atoms of all kinds of elements
ranging from oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, all the way to calcium, phosphorous,
iron and so on. There are atoms present everywhere and locked within it,
enormous stores of energy. In fact, the energy contained in just five grams of
uranium was enough to wipe out Hiroshima. The presence of atomic energy
everywhere is one simple example of the signature of Omnipresence.
of Existence
greatest miracle is the human body. Although everything that exists is made up
of atoms, a living being has the capacity for consciousness and self-awareness
whereas inert matter does not. Scriptures
say this capacity is characterised by a force, popularly termed as the “Life
all take our bodies for granted not realising what flexibility we have. Just
watch a tennis match, ice skating or a ballet performance – amazing flexibility
consider the human fingers. They can knit, paint, sculpt, perform surgery, and play
all kinds of musical instruments, to name a few. The famous scientist Newton
once exclaimed, “The thumb alone is enough to prove that God exists”.
agree that the human body is packed with innumerable wonders; but in what way
does that prove the omnipresence of God. This is where evolution comes in. The
universe is a constantly evolving system and as far as we are concerned, there
are three distinct stages of evolution that matter. We will concern ourselves
with the third stage, about three billion years ago, life first appeared on
Earth. Life slowly evolved from lower forms like plants and insects to more
complex forms like fish, birds and animals. And, at the end, came man.
every species of life form, there is a “gene”. At the molecular level, the gene
holds all the information about the species and the particular individual in
the series. For example, in the human being, the human genome not only holds
all the characteristics that identify the being as human, but also the
characteristics of the individual, such as the colour of the skin, eyes, facial
features etc.
molecular arrangement can be disturbed by many factors, including radiation,
and when that happens, we say the gene mutates. It could happen that the
mutated gene could be the beginning of an entirely new species, evolution of
species at a molecular level. Mutation is widely believed to be a random
process. Charles Darwin said of evolution that “only the fittest of the newly
emerging species survive, and evolution is thus a sequence of species that
survive, coming one after the other”. This became better defined once the
structure of the DNA was unravelled.
Consciousness = Formless God
Cosmic Omnipresence pervades the
Universe at three levels
. at the gross level, cosmic energy resides in
atoms which are everywhere
. next, cosmic energy operates in living
systems as “Life force”
. at the highest and subtlest level, cosmic
energy exists as Primary Consciousness
Pure Consciousness is Supreme: It exists by itself during creation
and dissolution of the Manifest Universe
Consciousness latent in Humans
Life force in Living Beings
Energy in Atoms
Omnipresence of Formless God
should not imagine that when the Universe is created, the primordial background
of Universal Consciousness disappears. The latter continues to exist, acting as
a backdrop in the Manifested Universe. This backdrop acts rather like a
physical field driving evolution of living species in the direction where
consciousness flowers fully, just like a fruit bud growing and ripening into a
sweet fruit. Where evolution of life is concerned, that fruit is the human
Conscience or the Divine voice in our Spiritual Heart
a solar eclipse, something comes between us and the Sun, completely blocking
the light, even if only for a short time. Yet, even such a bright object as the
Sun can be covered up, plunging the Earth into darkness.
too, in each of us, there is our spiritual heart, the seat of God. God shines
brilliantly from the heart, even brighter than a thousand suns. However, a lot
of evil lurks in the darkest corners of the mind using lust, greed, jealousy,
anger, hate, pride, arrogance as its principal agents, creating an eclipse
blocking out this light, sometimes altogether.
God resides in the heart of all, the mind can easily make man forget this vital
fact. Unfortunately, that happens often, and is the root cause for most of the
problems facing humanity today.
we forget God, we need to seek and submit to a spiritual teacher, who will help
remove spiritual ignorance. These “Gurus” help us develop spiritual
discrimination or intellect, then the clouds of ignorance disappear and we able
to see God within and also listen to His voice, ever ready to convey advice. The
voice within is the voice of the conscience, as it is sometimes referred
perpetual restlessness of the Mind and its never-ceasing random thoughts
generate internal “noise”, drowning out the voice of God within. Quieten the
Mind by ever remembering the name of your Lord. Train the mind to dwell on God.
Make the mind your servant and not the master.
conscience present in different individuals is all a part of One Universal
Consciousness, from which our universe and everything in it came into
existence. In other words, individual conscience and Universal Consciousness
are one and the same.
and Evil
God is omnipresent, why is there so much evil? Recall that God is present in
humans in three forms: the gross, the subtle and the causal. Humans have no
control over the presence of God at the first two levels. However at the third
and highest level, humans can shut out the Divine Effulgence. If that
effulgence is allowed to shine, the person becomes a saint. If, on the other
hand, that effulgence is shut out and darkness prevails, then that person can
become the very devil.
God is present in the heart of a murderer too, but unfortunately, that person
chooses to be guided by his misguided mind, ignoring God within. God does not
and will not thrust Himself upon us. He
will certainly make Himself available but if we decline this opportunity, we
have only ourselves to blame.
better understanding, imagine a big river across which there is a huge dam.
Water gets stored in the dam when the sleuths are closed. Downstream, one may
see a dry riverbed, but that is because water is not allowed to flow. If the
sleuths are opened, then the river will not run dry at all. In other words, God
is present even in a murderer, but that person is not allowing the latent
Divinity to manifest itself. There
is much evil in this world because humans are too busy to allow the Divinity a
chance to express itself.
human decisions are governed by two choices; the first is to consult our mind
and the other is to consult our conscience (heart). When the Mind takes
instructions from the Heart, this is the path of Righteousness. But when
decisions are made by the Mind which functions as the ego, then bad advice is
given based on all evil tendencies lurking inside. This is the cause of most
problems we face daily in our lives. This is the tragedy of man, with so many
things to distract his attention.
mind is extraordinarily powerful and the source of all amazing creativity; it
receives its creative power from God. However, God did not program the mind of
humans to automatically and always follow the path of right conduct. You have
been given freedom by God to use the powers of the mind in any way you want,
but at a price. You would be held accountable for your actions. If you do good,
you will receive suitable credit and Grace but if you use the mind to do evil,
then you have to “pay heavily”. The mind can be your best friend or your
worst enemy.
and Senses – Partners in Crime
Why cannot a man with an alcohol
addiction give up drinking? Because he has become a slave
to his senses.
in His infinite mercy has endowed us with five important sense capabilities
that enable us to experience the outer world through the sense of sight,
hearing, touch, taste and smell. These senses operate through organs that act
as input devices in a modern computer. They gather information from the outer
world and transmit it “inside” to the brain where it is processed and also
senses and the brain help us to move about in this world, take care of
ourselves and perform numerous functions efficiently. However, where does
spirituality come into all this?
Crown of Creation
brain of a human being is a vast expanse and in spiritual terms, comprises of
three regions:
The lower, middle and higher mind
lower mind
performs functions that relate to existence and survival in the external world
– seeking shelter, getting food, avoiding danger and self-preservation
middle mind
has enormous capabilities and also extra-ordinarily powerful. It is this that
is the repository of all logical capabilities, reasoning power, and creative
skills. Thus if we have made enormous progress in the arts, literature,
sciences and technology, it is all due to the immense power that God has packed
into the middle mind. The middle mind is not only powerful but also deadly,
when not handled with care. The middle mind can mislead dangerously if the
individuals ego is not kept “in check”.
higher mind enables
us to be in touch with God within. It is only when the higher mind is active
that the human qualities like love, compassion, forgiveness etc. manifest and
enable humans to adhere to Truth and Righteousness.
God, while blessing man with the middle mind and its wonderful capabilities,
also attached a price tag. God gave man this great power on condition that he
takes orders from the higher mind. Then God warns man; “If, however, you
switch off the higher mind, then this very middle mind that can take you to
great heights would also plunge you into the deepest of abysses! Beware!!”
understand how exactly this happens, we must first start with the three aspects
that every human being is a composite of the gross body, the subtle mind and
the causal heart.
Genetic Sources
It turns out that each entity has
its own ancestry and gene.
Gross Body
gene for the gross body comes from our biological parents and ancestors
Subtle Mind
subtle/mental genes that shape our mind are traits acquired in earlier births
Causal Heart (Atma)
heart genes are Divine Genes, coming directly from God – Has a moderating
influence on the other two types of genes. Divine genes represent the brakes;
if this brake fails or gets disconnected, disaster is inevitable.
Higher Mind
attain the realm of the higher mind, would depend on an individuals Gunas or
qualities. These can be managed and shaped through sense and mind control with
lots of hard practise and much effort.
prevalent traits in individuals who attain the realm of the higher mind are
compassion, love, forbearance, spirit of sacrifice etc. These are divine
qualities and those who possess them lead truly enriching lives. Only then can
one experience the awareness of the Omnipresence of God – being conscious of
God's presence everywhere in everything, all the time.
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