Thursday, 10 July 2014

The Sai Teachings

Our Goal…
The fruit of love is present in each and every person’s life. To experience the fruit you need to remove the outer skin. Once you peel the skin of the fruit, also remove the bitter seeds within it. Then you can extract the sweet juice, partake it and discard the pulp. Understand that God has given you this body only to relish the sweetness of Love.
Peel away the skin of ego and pride. Remove all the seeds of evil intentions, thoughts and deeds. Discard the pulp of possession and attachment. Then what remains is the sweet juice of love.
All of you are farmers. You must engage in spiritual practices to cultivate your heart. Is there any use for an uncultivated land? Without wasting your life and keeping the land barren, focus on cultivating your heart to enjoy the sweetness of the Divine.

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