Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Sai Teachings

Pre-requisites for a Spiritual life

The first pre-requisite for leading a spiritual life is Faith. Your faith must stand ridicule of the ignorant and laughter of the low-minded. When someone ridicules you, ask yourself, ‘Are they ridiculing my body? Well, that’s fine, for, I need to escape this body attachment anyway. Are they ridiculing the Soul/Atma? That is impossible, for the Atma is beyond words or thoughts, unaffected by praise or blame.’

Second: Do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, or joy or grief. You yourself create the ups and downs and therefore can straighten them as well. You crave for a thing and when you get it, you call it joy; when you don't, you call it grief. Cut off craving, and there will be no more swinging from joy to grief.

Third: Rationalise and be convinced of the truth that all beings are Divine.

Fourth: Be always steady in spiritual practice until you reach the goal.


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