Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Sai Teachings

The Right Solution

Suppose you dream that you are being bitten by a snake, and are struggling with pain, shouting and frantically searching for medicines. Now even though you are bitten by a snake, do you take medicine to remove the poison? No, you don’t do that, because this happened in your dream. You perhaps will even forget the pain, as soon as you wake up, isn’t it?

Similarly, today you are in deep slumber of ignorance and worldly attachments and hence undergo a lot of suffering. The world is ephemeral and full of misery. You suffer only because of ignorance and body attachment. The moment you are awakened from the slumber, your problems will be solved. Anyone and everyone who aspires to lead a happy life must reduce body attachment. You develop ego because of your position, associations, physical strength or wealth. If you want to enjoy bliss, never give any scope for ego.


Saturday, 26 April 2014

The Sai Teachings

The Name “Rama”

Rama’s name is a life-giving essence with esoteric significance. It consists of three syllables: Ra + Aa + Ma. Ra representing Agni (the Fire God), burns away all sins; Aa representing Surya (the Sun God), dispels the darkness of ignorance; and Ma representing Chandra (the Moon God), cools one’s temper and produces tranquility.

The name Rama has the triple power of washing away one's sins, removing one's ignorance, and tranquilizing one's mind. How can this profound meaning of the name Rama be imparted to mankind? This can be done only by the Divine coming in human form and demonstrating to mankind the power of the Divine. Rama was one who, while appearing to lead the life of an ordinary man, led the Life Divine. He demonstrated the ideal life of a spiritually realised person.


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Sai Teachings

Pre-requisites for a Spiritual life

The first pre-requisite for leading a spiritual life is Faith. Your faith must stand ridicule of the ignorant and laughter of the low-minded. When someone ridicules you, ask yourself, ‘Are they ridiculing my body? Well, that’s fine, for, I need to escape this body attachment anyway. Are they ridiculing the Soul/Atma? That is impossible, for the Atma is beyond words or thoughts, unaffected by praise or blame.’

Second: Do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, or joy or grief. You yourself create the ups and downs and therefore can straighten them as well. You crave for a thing and when you get it, you call it joy; when you don't, you call it grief. Cut off craving, and there will be no more swinging from joy to grief.

Third: Rationalise and be convinced of the truth that all beings are Divine.

Fourth: Be always steady in spiritual practice until you reach the goal.


Wednesday, 16 April 2014

The Sai Teachings

Self Confidence

When a tree sways with the wind, its branches bend and toss up and down. But the tiny bird sitting on it is not afraid? Why? Because the bird relies on its wings. Even if the branch falls down, as long as its wings are fine, it is safe. With this realization, the bird sits bravely on the swaying branch.

However, human beings do not have so much faith as a tiny bird. Even with the slightest problems on the tree of life, people get very worried. Why? It is because they have lost their self-confidence. Even at the slightest suffering, people are frustrated, depressed and unable to bear. Instead of depending on your intelligence, physical strength or wealth, trust your self-confidence. Do good deeds; let every step and all your efforts be directed to win His Grace and proximity. Then, you will surely triumph!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

The Sai Teachings

                  Your happiness depends upon the company you keep

Bear in mind the company you keep. The great saint-poet Kabir once said, “I salute the bad and also the good”. Kabir was asked, “We understand you offering salutations to the good, but why do you salute the bad?” He responded, “When I salute the bad, I am doing this with a prayer to remove themselves from my presence; I am saluting the good, requesting their presence before me.” This is a profound statement.

You must avoid bad company and cultivate the company of good. When you join with good people, you will be happy and you will confer happiness upon others. Strive to get rid of all your bad thoughts. Give up all your negative traits. Discharge your obligations to your parents. Render selfless service to the community and redeem your lives by earning the Grace of the Lord.