Saturday, 31 August 2013

The Inner Motivator

The Inner Motivator
When you want breeze, you put on the fan; when you want light, you switch on the lamp and when you want to cook, you switch on the stove. Consider these as separate operations and air, light and heat are unrelated to each other. It would seem they are distinct in every way. But for all these, the energizer is the same, the electric current. Like electricity, God too operates through all instruments and awards the consequences of all actions done by everyone. He is the “Inner Motivator” of all beings.   

Friday, 30 August 2013

Your Spiritual Journey

Engage yourself in spiritual discipline, spiritual thoughts and spiritual company.
Everyone is a pilgrim towards the same goal. Some take one route, others take another.
Just as water assumes the form of the container in which it is kept, God assumes the form in which the devotee worships Him. All forms and names are His. Never yield to doubt and have steady faith in any one form and name of God that appeals to you.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Love All, Serve All

Love All, Serve All
When someone, whose ways you do not appreciate,approaches you, there is no need to find fault or show contempt for that person. It is enough if you continue to do your work unaffected by their arrival. Leave them alone and let them follow their path. This is the attitude of disaffectedness. This attitude will bestow on you everlasting peace, self-control and purity of mind.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Divine Bank

The Divine Bank
Each of us has a duty to ourselves to open such an account. A credit balance includes good deeds, noble thoughts and kind words. A debit balance records indifferent, bad or unkind thoughts, words or deeds.
The Divine Banker truly cares for you and warns you when you overdraw your limits, when truth and right conduct are infringed. You are also warned when your desires enslave you or when your wealth is unchecked. Consciously make an effort to increase your credit balance and grow in peace, happiness and prosperity.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Live in Joy

Live in Joy
The source of all types of sorrow is ignorance. The source of ignorance is identification with the “body”, the delusion that you are the “body”. This can be removed only by the acquisition of right knowledge. To remove darkness, light is needed. It will only disappear when light comes in. When ignorance goes, grief too vanishes. The Lord advises in the scriptures:
                   “Attach yourself to Me and earn the Light of True Knowledge and tread the path of no grief”.  

Monday, 26 August 2013

Individual Reconstruction

Our True Wealth
Individual reconstruction is the most important need today. Multiply Virtues and not buildings, and practice what you preach, that is the real pilgrimage. Cleanse your mind of envy and malice. Most faults today are caused by a person saying one thing but doing the total opposite, inflicting injustice and discontent. Remove the vices of lust and hatred and put out the flames of anger and greed. Then only will your inner happiness manifest unhindered.
You are the embodiment of Peace; Happiness is your very nature.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

From Knowledge to Wisdom

It seems our sole purpose in this lifetime is to acquire as much wealth, in any which way, notwithstanding the means employed to accumulate this wealth. Remember, money is only a medium to transact and not to be idolized. Once we lessen our desires and wants, you will notice that you would not need as much money as initially thought.
Surely, there must be more to life and given our gift of the human brain”, how can we utilize our knowledge gained over time and convert this to wisdom. This very Wisdom will enable us to successfully explore our own spirituality and attain a state of Fulfilment and Bliss. Avid reading, understanding and earnest practice of scriptural teachings will enable us to tread on this sacred path.
Start today and adopt your new mantra….

“Simple Living, Higher Thinking”

Friday, 23 August 2013

Free Will

Each one of us has the power to make choices in Life, be it right or wrong. It is incumbent upon us to make and take decisions based on Truth and Righteousness. When we adopt this attitude, we will make the right choice.
These decisions affect our journey in this lifetime and ultimately, our destiny. In other words, we alone are responsible for our destiny through the choices we make in Life.



What is Self-inquiry?
We need to look into our minds for correct answers and ask valid questions before taking any decisions.
Are we doing the right thing? Will the decision we take is in accordance with and approved by our Consciousness? What effect and how will our decisions impact on others?
These are just some of the questions that need to be asked before we think and act. Remember, we are not alone in this world and our thoughts and actions affect others as well. We need to be considerate, especially regarding the feelings of others and also appreciate how they perceive us. By setting the bar high, we expect others to follow, thereby creating a more conducive living environment for peace and prosperity.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


We need to teach ourselves to curb our wants and our excessive reliance on comforts. Look around you, is our success dependent on the number of possessions we own and do we find the true happiness we seek, in them?
To be happy, be thankful and grateful for all that you have and try to live simply. Simple Living, Higher Thinking must be our mantra for a peaceful existence.
We need to make conscious efforts to rid the evil tendencies that plague our minds. Ego, Pride, Anger, Greed, Envy and Lust contribute largely to Mans failures and moral decadence.
Replace these with Humility, Truth, Peace, Love, Righteousness and Non-violence. These admirable human values must be an integral part of all our thoughts and interaction with fellow beings. We need to imbibe these qualities in our daily living. When others begin to notice these positive attributes, more often than not, they will emulate the same in their lives.
All social ills prevalent in our society today will be eradicated; happiness, peace and prosperity will then ensue.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013



Have steadfast faith and self-belief that there is a higher power in you called Consciousness. Inward awareness of this state will ensure all your thoughts and actions will only be for the good of yourself and all who you associate with. Base all your decisions with the approval of this Consciousness and you can be rest assured, life becomes an enjoyable journey. There are bound to be obstacles and pitfalls, but these can be overcome by adopting this belief.
To fortify and expand Consciousness one must practice daily, Meditation and Yoga. Meditation helps steady the Mind and Yogic exercises help in developing a healthy body.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Your Enemies and your Friends

Your Enemies and Your Friends

Your bad thoughts are your worst enemies and thoughts based on Truth are your best friends. Do practise to make friendship with the eternal Truth, the ever-present God. Worldly friends and enemies change with the passage of time, but God is the one true and eternal friend. God is in you and also surrounds you, protecting you just as the eye lid protects the eye.
When you worship God with Love, Truth and Righteousness, He will manifest Himself immediately. You can achieve anything if you have firm faith in God as your friend.

Monday, 19 August 2013

The Divine Self

The Divine Self

The “Divine Self” has no entry or exit, no form or imperfection. Like space, it is all pervasive and being “everything”, it is free from the feelings of “I” and “Mine”.
Just as fire is heat, the “Divine Self” is Consciousness. The intellect, like the Moon, has no light by itself; it only reflects the brilliance of the “Divine Self”, which is like the Sun. The Sun dispels darkness and is called the “enlightener”. It is neither doing this consciously, nor is it duty bound. So too, the “Divine Self” has no obligation or duty. The “Divine Self” is the core of all beings, the Awareness in all.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Devotion, Detachment & Discernment

Devotion                   Detachment             Discernment            

Steadfast Faith                                                Anger                                                              Self-enquiry                  

Yoga practice                                                  Greed                                                              Free-will

Self-belief                                                        Lust                                                                               

Meditate                                                           Envy                                                                                              



Living in this modern world is no longer a physical challenge but a mental one as well. To live well in health, happiness, peace and prosperity, we must first analyse and understand our Mind. All our thoughts and resultant actions emanate from this Mind. If we can Control the Mind, then we will be on our way to achieving a life fit for a human being.  

Respect and Revere Your Parents

Respect and Revere Your Parents
The Mother’s lap is the school for all and the first place of worship. There is no God higher than the Mother. To recognise this truth about one’s mother is the duty of every person. Your father is your treasure and mother, your God.
Instead of valuing such precious wealth, people engage in all sorts of activities to acquire riches and possessions. Father and mother are inseparable like the word and its meaning. The “indwelling spirit” in both of them is the same Divine Spirit. Everyone should cherish their parents as embodiments of the Divine.

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Number One Rule

The Number One Rule
Arise, awake and establish forever the mansions of Truth, Love, Peace, Righteousness and Non-violence. Quench the burning flames of ignorance, injustice and envy with the waters of Love, Forbearance and Truth. Sweep away all jealousy and anger.
Each of us must realise our own faults and understand it is of no use in searching for faults in others. That is a mere waste of time and also breeds quarrels. Forget your past and repent sincerely for your misdeeds without yielding to dejection; tread the path of prayer to God with good deeds and brotherly love to all.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Cycle of Life

Cycle of Life

Give up all attachments and engage in acts dedicated to the Lord.
The Scriptures emanated from God; Actions (Karma) emanated from the Scriptures; from Actions resulted Worship, resulting in Rain; from Rain grew Food and from Food came all Living Beings.
This is the cycle that has to be accepted and honoured. Have steady faith in the Atman and dedicate all your efforts to God, with no desire for success, egoism, possession or pride.
If the wheel of Creation is to move smoothly, each one has to continuously engage in action. None can escape this obligation, whoever it is.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Thoughts and Actions speak louder than Words

Our Thoughts and Actions speak louder than our Words

Always dwell on lofty thoughts. When air enters a balloon, it takes the shape of the balloon. So too, the mind takes the form of the objects with which it is attached to. If it gets fixed on small things, it becomes small. If it is focused on noble and grand ideas, it becomes thus.

Discriminate before you develop attachment. If your attachment is for family and material possessions, you will experience grief when they pass or decline. Develop sincere and steady attachment towards the Divine and you will grow in love and splendour. Remember, you are judged by your spiritual discipline, thoughts and sense-control. 

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Physical is subordinate to the Spiritual

Realise the physical is subordinate to the spiritual. Mere terror and counter-terror will not establish harmony. The secret to peace lies in selfless service and love towards all beings. There are no material rewards, only the experience of personal inner joy. International peace cannot dawn until the minds are cleansed of hatred and terror. Remove these two evil traits within each heart and plant in there Love and Service.  

Monday, 12 August 2013

Happiness and peace

Happiness and Peace

Everyone is after happiness. The hunt for comfortable jobs, palatial homes, positions of influence and all sorts of comforts are all evidences of the eagerness to live in happiness. But, there is no real eagerness to live in Peace. Happiness should not be confused with Peace. Being rich, prosperous or well-positioned does not necessarily entitle you to Peace.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Add Value to your Life

Add Value to your Life

An empty jewel box only has value if there are jewels in it. Likewise, your body too will be honoured when it contains the jewel of Divine Consciousness and the gems called virtues. Utilize these gems to enhance your life.
Even if you no steady faith in God or a Higher Power, start by controlling the vagaries of the mind, the pull of the ego and the attractions of sense-attachments. Be helpful to others and though they may not thank you, your conscience itself will appreciate you and keep you happy and content.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

The Mind

The Mind

The 5 senses (hear, see, feel, smell and taste) are like wild, untutored servants who dictate terms to the master, the Mind. The mind has to be subdued by you, and then only will the servants obey your every command. The senses prompt the mind to build up a whole array of urges and impulses which we call desires. Control these desires or they will cause you much misery and unhappiness. Remember,
Desires come from Attachment
Deliverance comes from Detachment
The Mind is the King, the senses are the Soldiers. The soldiers are now ruling the King because he lends his ears to them and not the intellect, who is the Prime Minister. Let your intellect take charge.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity

To activate all the many lights, switches and appliances in your home, there is only one electric current. Likewise, we are all connected to each other by the principle of Divinity, mostly referred to as the “Divine Self”. It is a part of us that is connected to God, and at that level, we are all connected.

All religions acknowledge this fact: Judaism refers to it as “Teshuvah”, Christianity – the “Spirit”; Hinduism – the “Atman”. Other religions refer to it as the “Soul”.
In light of this Truth, we need to recognise the Divinity in all and accord the courtesy and respect due to each of us. All of us are in Him and the God in one is the same as in every other being.  We are like many waves on the face of an underlying ocean. Make efforts to comprehend this Oneness, this unity in diversity. We only see physical differences in people through our ignorance, but forget to recognise our underlying unity.  

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

5 Inherent Human Values

Simple Living is a way to live without extravagance. At birth we were unaware of luxury, so as adults, why not be satisfied and thankful for all that we have. Look around you and will notice how much excess surrounds you; in your thoughts and actions, in your wardrobe, in the kitchen etc. These are all extra baggage you can do without. In other words, they weigh you down and hinder your progress in life. Rid yourself of these, making your journey in this lifetime lighter, much more pleasant and comfortable.

We must apply our minds to think rationally through right enquiry and right discernment. In other words, we must analyse our thoughts and actions through self-enquiry and make informed decisions based on the same.

Each of us has 5 inherent human values: Love, Peace, Truth, Righteousness and Non-violence. We will need to integrate these ideals into our everyday living to make a meaningful change in our lives and to those around us .Hence, “Simple Living, Higher Thinking”. Much more will be discussed on this subject as we progress further.

Many of us may not be fortunate enough to have all of “life’s comforts”- there are many out there with far less and whose needs and wants may be far greater than ours. It beholds us to help those in need, giving off our time, money or any other means possible to help. There is no reward for selfless service but you will experience inner joy.

Remember, the ideals contained in “Simple Living, Higher Thinking”, can positively impact on others. Realize that you are taking the initial steps of creating an environment of peace and tranquillity within your society. Like-minded people will follow your example and your circle of positive influence will expand thereafter.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Acupressure - Pressure points

Acupressure - Health in Your Hands


Reference: “Health in Your Hands”- Dr. Devendra Vora

Acupressure is the Science of Nature which teaches us to cure diseases - the technique of how to send the electric current to all desired parts of Body which are in need of repair.
If you feel pain, press it out. An important positive feature of Acupressure is the absence of side effects. You can do this daily and make it your life style, enjoying perfect Health.

The Organ Systems of the Body

System                                                   Organs, Tissues, Cells                                                       Functions

Skeletal                                   body bones, cartilage joints                                 Support, protection
                                                                                                                             Gives form and shape
                                                                                                                             Acts as levers for movement
Muscular                      Body muscles attached to skeleton                                 skilled & gross body movement
Nervous                       Brain, spinal cord, all peripheral                                    coordination & direction of
                                             Nerves & organs of sensation                                activities of body organs
Integumentary                        Skin, hair, nails, glands                                         protection - dehydration & injury
                                                                                                                             Temperature regulation
Digestive                                       Mouth, pharynx, oesophagus,                           ingestion, digestion, absorption
                                                Stomach, intestines, anus, liver,                          and ejection
                                                Pancreas and salivary glands
Respiratory                            Nose, larynx, trachea, lungs                                 inhale oxygen, exhale carbon-
                                                                                                                             dioxide; acid-base regulation
Circulatory                             Heart, blood and blood vessels,                            transport of nutrients and waste
                                                Veins, artery, capillary                                         from all parts of the body
Immune                                  White blood cells, certain cells of                         defence against viruses,
                                                Bone marrow, spleen etc.                                    parasites, foreign cells, etc.
Urinary                                   Kidneys, urinary bladder & urethra                      form & eliminate urine, regulate
(excretory)                                                                                                           blood composition
Reproductive                          Female - ovaries, uterus, vagina,                           production of ova, sperm &
                                                Mammary glands                                                     hormone
                                                Male - testes, prostate, external
Lymphatic                               Lymph nodes, vessels, thymus,                              clears dead cells from body and
(Lymph vascular)                    spleen                                                                    returns fluid to circulation


 Earth              Water               Fire                  Air                    Space

                           These elements are controlled by electricity of the Life Battery (in middle of forehead) known as
Chi (Positive)                       Chen (Negative)

Re charging of Life Battery:
Breathe in through right nostril (connected with sun +ve : internal heat increases and air goes and re charges +ve part of brain cells. Re charged blood goes into 1st ventricle and +ve heat is stored up to peak, then breathing changes. Via left nostril (connected with moon -ve): internal heat decreases, cooler air charges -ve part of brain cells. Re charged blood goes into 2nd ventricle until peak. Current flows from negative to positive. In this way electricity is supplied to all organs and found to be of 5 types, representing the 5 basic main elements.


                   Earth                                           Water                                 Fire                          Air                             Space

Physical structure of body,                  Kidneys                    Stomach                   Heart                  Covers entire
Bones, flesh                                    all reproductive             Spleen                      Lungs                           body
                                                              Organs                     Pancreas

All life forces become inert and inactive in this element as more energy is used to keep body active eg. Fat people (Neutral element)
Approximately 72% water in body which helps keep the flow of body and life. Maintains heat and blood circulation. (Negative element)
It provides strength to body by digesting food, induces hunger and thirst. Helps thinking and production of antibodies. (Positive element)
Maintains balance, regulates functioning of the heart and blood circulation. Helps respiration and excretion. (Positive element)
In order that air circulates in body and maintains proper balance, there has to be space. (Negative element)

BRAIN : Supercomputer, Telephone exchange, Atomic reactor of our body
The human body has an acid-alkaline base which is represented by grey and white matter in the brain and because of their action and reaction, electricity is produced in the body just like electricity produced in a dry battery.

     Beneficial foods for specific organs
Brain - walnuts                                                                          Eyes - almonds
Heart - apples                                                                           Lungs - grapes
Kidneys - cashews, kidney beans                                                  Stomach - mango
                                  Ovaries - pears, guavas                                                                 Sex power - bananas (ripe)                    
Treatments follow next   NOTE: before commencing any treatments, check for correct alignment of Solar Plexus which is the controlling centre of all organs below the diaphragm.
Non Alignment of Solar Plexus: Disturbance in S.P.
a) Lie on back with hands straight on sides and legs straight with upright toes. 2 big toes should be level. If not, disturbance in S.P.
b) Join 2 palms together - top lines of little fingers must match. If not, disturbance in S.P.

Shifting of Navel causes damage to digestive system:
Upward shifting - constipation
Downward shifting - more motions when there is pressure.

Alignment of Solar Plexus: do treatment on an empty stomach
Lie on back with arms straight on sides. With 1 hand apply pressure on knee of the leg of which the big toe is at a lower level and with the other hand, keeping the finger between the 2 big toes, try to pull the toe which is lower. Repeat this action 2 - 4 times until both toes are level.

REFER TO FIGS 39a & b; 40a & b; 41a & b; 42a & b
Pain felt at any point on the palms and soles when pressed is a clear indication of some problem connected with that organ.
Pressure to be applied on and around all points on the 2 palms and soles (both sides) for 1 - 2 minutes - pumping intermittently. Apply pressure using horizontal thumb but on points of endocrine glands with a vertical thumb.
Our body is divided into 2, right and left sides. If treatment is needed on organs of the right side, then pressure must be applied on the corresponding points on the right palm or right sole and vice-versa if for organs on the left side.
Further, the body is sub divided into front and back. Pressure to be applied on the back of palms and soles for the spine, back, lower lumbago, sciatic nerve and hips. For all other organs, pressure to be applied to palms and sole
For treatment of any disease or organ, pressure to be applied for 1 - 2 minutes on each point which pains when pressed and has to be repeated 3 times a day. Continue until pain subsides.

Thyroid - parathyroid (Point 8) is the first to be pressed. If there is continuous problem in body for +8 days, this point of thyroid is the first to be disturbed and when pressed, there will be pain. Thereafter, press other points.

Acupressure helps you to locate a developing disease even before its outward symptoms appear. An early diagnosis of any disease is always the most important factor for its cure. Treatment is to be continued only till pain exists on a point. Once pain ceases, the disease has been eradicated and you are cured. However, if you do not find a marked improvement after 12 - 15 days, it indicates damage / illness is severe and would need further medical assistance or even hospitalisation. Do not go on pressing points for a much longer time or many times during the day in the hope of an early cure. Damage can be caused to overworked kidneys as more toxins are released.

Endocrine Glands: Regulators of the Body. Also known as Chakras (7)
Main function - maintains body metabolism through control of the 5 basic elements
Regulates the functions of all organs and the brain
Protection against illness and controls the mind, giving will power and psychological advantage
To give up smoking, over-eating, alcohol and drugs, give treatment on all endocrine glands for at least 15 days. Will have the necessary will power to stop these bad habits and also be free from withdrawal symptoms.
If children, 8-10yrs, are taught to take this treatment - it will enhance their physical growth and will not experience major problems at puberty. They will develop a balanced outlook on life and grow up to be mature, responsible adults.
Root causes and eradication of Disease
Ensure a well-balanced diet. With the exception of the lungs and stomach, most parts of the body are autonomous and will function well as long as they receive sufficient oxygen and blood supply. It is quite likely that germs of a disease enter our body either through the lungs or the stomach.

Respiratory System - Pranayama, a breathing exercise, should be done on an empty stomach, whilst sitting or lying down straight
Inhale air counting                                      1-2-3-4.….
Keep airs in lungs counting                        1-2-3-4.….
Then exhale counting                                  1-2-3-4.….
Then pause, allowing lungs to rest and become revitalised.
Repeat for 10 -15 times and do Pranayama 4 - 10 times a day. With practise, increase the counting to 10. The following will happen;
Inhale air counting up to 10
Retain air counting up to 20
Exhale air counting up to 10
Pause, counting up to 10. Then repeat process.
Air retention - After inhaling air, press upper part of thumb with index finger for longer and easier air retention. If middle of thumb is pressed, air retention increases and when base of thumb is pressed, retention is maximum.

Whilst doing Pranayama Mudras at any time, 5 basic elements of the body can be controlled and are represented by the 5 different fingers.
Thumb -          fire
Index finger -   air
Middle finger - space
Ring finger -     earth
Small finger -   water
Sit in a lotus position and continue for 30 - 45 min. with both hands
a) Meditation Mudra - Touch thumb with index finger. Increases brain power, mental concentration, memory etc.
b) Vayu Mudra (air) - Keep index finger on base of thumb at the mount of Venus and press with thumb. Cures rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and Parkinson’s disease and blood circulation problems. Also do Pran Mudra for better results.
c) Shunya Mudra (space) - Keep the middle finger at the mount of Venus and press it with thumb. Helps in curing earache, deafness, vertigo etc. Do for 40 - 60 min.
d) Prithvi Mudra (earth) - Touch the ring finger with the thumb. Creates peace of mind and increases life force (chetana)
e) Varun Mudra (water) - Tip of little finger to touch thumb. Cures impurities of blood. Useful in gastro-enteritis and diseases causing dehydration.
f) Sun Mudra - Press thumb on outer side of second fold of ring finger. Creates heat in body. Helps digestion and in reducing fat.
g) Pran Mudra (Life Energy) - Touch the tips of the little and ring fingers with the front edge of thumb. Increases life force and cures nervousness and fatigue. Increases power of eyes.
h)  Ling (Shiv) Mudra - Interlock fingers of both hands. Keep left thumb vertical and encircle with thumb and index finger of right hand. Creates heat in body and increases resistance of body against cold and bronchial infections. While practising this, drink green and fruit juices and water, at least 8 glasses a day.

To enjoy better health, practise the ffl.
Can be done in sitting upright position, standing or even walking.
Sun Pranayama - Useful for diseases associated with bronchial problems and paralysis by increasing heat in body.
Close L nostril and inhale through R nostril. Exhale through the same counting 1 - 4. Do 10 times or more
Moon Pranayama - Increases coolness in body. Close R nostril, inhale and exhale through L nostril counting as above. Good for fever, sun stroke etc.
Balance heat and cold in body - Inhale through R nostril and exhale through L nostril and vice-versa. Pull in tummy while retaining air.
After lunch, lie on left side for 10 -15 min. Breadth is linked with the sun, producing heat and assists with digestion. Similarly, lie on right side - breadth will flow from left nostril which cools the body during too much heat or fever.

Digestive System
The aim of eating / drinking should be to produce sufficient blood, heat and energy in the body and also satisfy the taste.
Chew all food 12 -15 times. This is necessary as saliva is added to food and it is only in this form that sugar is digested. Eating hastily without chewing and eating more sugar invites diabetes and fat. Thus, diabetes can be conquered in your mouth. Chewing less means more work for the stomach. Overexertion of the stomach invites many diseases and even fat.
Proper chewing gives you enjoyment, satisfaction and ensures you do not over-eat. Useless food taken does not generate any energy but in order to digest and excrete these we need to expend even more energy. This sometimes result in gases, constipation etc.

Receiving maximum energy from food
Best time to eat is an hour after we get up in the morning. Internal temperature increases and food is digested more easily, resulting in more energy being produced. Eating heavy meals after sunset tends to slow down digestion, producing more fat and stomach problems.

Acupressure assistance for the Digestive system
Sit on a chair and keep a wooden roller under one foot. Give as much pressure as possible for 5 min. Do the same with the other foot. This will activate all organs of the digestive system, lungs, kidneys etc. After the age of 40, increase the use of ginger, Alma and lemon in your diet.
Natures Cure
Cure disease with the elements of Nature viz. earth, water , sun, air - in such a way that toxins collected in the body are thrown out to make the body pure and life current powerful.
Earth / mud:
Mud packs are less advocated because of the increasing abundance of germs in the soil. Instead, apply a paste of green juice on the eyes, stomach and skin. After application, let sunlight be on those parts with the paste.
Drink 8-10 glasses of boiled, cooled water every day. Ideally, this water should be kept overnight in a copper vessel. In the morning, firstly check the solar plexus and correct if necessary. Then drink 2 glasses of water and walk for 10-15 min. Otherwise, lie on back and roll wooden roller on stomach. This will remove constipation and any excess heat from the body. At this time continue with Acupressure. These efforts will greatly minimise the possibility of diseases.
Vapour Treatment / Steam Bath:
Drives out the cold and toxins from the affected areas through increased blood circulation and perspiration. Useful for polio, arthritis, rheumatic and paralysis sufferers.
Do daily methods of Pranayama and Mudras. Air is a great doctor.
Sun: Chromo-therapy is use of the colours of the sun
All living organisms derive energy from the sun. The sun is made up of 7 colours - violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. The first three has a cooling effect on the body and acts as an antiseptic. The last three colours create heat with green as neutral. Please refer to Vol. 1 - detailed therapy for various illnesses.

Vegetables, fruit and sprouted pulses have equal amounts of positive and negative sun energy stored in them. These are easily digested and give maximum energy.

To remove toxins from the digestive organs, fast for 24hrs. or more, once a month. Drink lukewarm, boiled water, fruit and green juices only, at this time.

The following topics are extensively discussed in Vol 1:
Biochemical Therapy - 12 Salts                                                               Pages 138 - 142
Child Care                                                                                               Pages 143 - 150
Women / Men Problems                                                                         Pages 151 - 161
Treatment of Common / Serious Diseases                                            Pages 164 - 253

The current of Life (Chetana) is discharged from the body from the right arm. The control point of this current is a 1 inch circle on the front part of the right arm, between the wrist and the elbow. Applying intermittent pressure for 2 mins. on this point will control the excess discharge of Chetana. This treatment is a must for all those over 40. They will be more energetic, less tired and feel much younger.

Always remember, we are ONE with NATURE and through her kindness, the body is capable of curing all diseases. Acupressure therapy hastens this process of healing.