Our Actions
Spiritual texts teach us a lesson that we should regard our actions as
being responsible for our sorrows or joys. But as a human being, you should
perform whatever actions you have to perform. Do not think that you will
achieve this or that, and do not think that you will be able to do great things
without the grace of God. Do not get tired out in that process.
The kind of seeds which you have put in, which have brought you to the
position in which you are today, will determine the results that you will get
later on. You may be very intelligent and clever. However all your intelligence
and cleverness will not enable you to get over your own Karma. Our Creator,
prepares a garland of all the good and the bad that you have done as they are
and He puts this round your neck when you are born. It is necessary for us to
recognise this causal relationship. We are responsible for the good and the bad
that we do, and our desires are in fact merely consequences of this.