education is mere bookish knowledge, confined to what is contained in the
texts. Today many are pursuing such secular education only. Secular education
alone is not enough. It must be supplemented with spiritual education.
Spiritual education has its effect on one’s heart, and is called Educare.
Educare means bringing out the latent Divinity,
that is hidden in the heart of human beings and establishing it as an ideal to
the whole world. Through Educare,
you must develop the principle of love and students must follow the path of
truth. True education is that which is suffused with truth and love. Secular
education is for making a living, whereas spiritual education is for reaching
the goal of life. It is the duty of students as well as educators to harmonize
the secular education with spiritual education. This is the prime necessity
Life’s Problems
life may be compared to a stalk of sugar cane. Like the cane, which is hard and
has many knots, life is full of difficulties. But these difficulties must be
overcome to enjoy the bliss of the Divine, just as the sugarcane has to be
crushed and its juice converted into sugar to enjoy the permanent sweetness.
bliss can be got only by overcoming trials and tribulations. Gold cannot be
made into an attractive jewel without it being subjected to the process of
melting in a crucible and being beaten into the required shape. When I address
devotees as, “golden one” or
“Divine Embodiments of Love”, I really mean it! You must go through the
vicissitudes of life with forbearance and become attractive jewels. You should
not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed by difficulties. Develop self-confidence
and have firm faith in God.
should treat whatever happens to them as gifts from God. Pleasure and pain
should be treated alike as Divine gifts. There is a unique joy in this process.
In daily life we tend to treat defeat, loss or grief as calamities. But nothing
occurs in the world without a cause. Hunger is the cause for eating. Thirst is
the cause for drinking. Difficulties are the cause of sorrow.
you would like to enjoy enduring happiness, you must discover the source of
such happiness. That source is love. There is nothing greater
than love in this world. Everything has a price. The price to be paid for
enduring happiness is Divine Love.
The primary wealth for man is Love. Everyone should seek to acquire this
wealth. With this wealth anyone can enjoy enduring bliss.