Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The Sai Teachings

The Right Knowledge

The bookish knowledge that many feverishly acquire is relevant only for the day of the exam. As you enter your professions armed with this knowledge, you will soon discover that you only have superficial knowledge on any subject and your general knowledge is almost zero. Without general knowledge and practical wisdom, you cannot discriminate.
World today needs practical knowledge. Water is formed from two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. You can prove this in the laboratory. But when you sit for lunch, do you mix two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen to drink water? By sipping just a drop, you can even comment on the purity of the water and its taste. Thus discrimination and general knowledge is very essential to make sure your daily life and behaviour does not have any lapses. You must experience the enjoyable life in the right way at the right time.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The Sai Teachings

The Buddha

Lord Buddha experienced the unity of all creation. There was total transformation in Him once He attained the vision of oneness of the atma/soul. He realised that all worldly relations were false. He transcended body consciousness. That is why he earned the appellation Buddha (the enlightened one). Man should use his intellect to understand this principle of unity.

Intellect is of two types: one that sees diversity in unity is worldly intelligence. You should develop spiritual intelligence in order to realise the underlying unity of all creation. It gives you the experience of the atmic principle which is the same in the entire creation. Buddha attained the vision of the atma. Truly speaking, Buddha is not just one individual. All of you are Buddhas’. You will see unity everywhere once you understand this truth.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

The Sai Teachings

The Right Answers

The world is a mixture of good and bad, of right and wrong, joy and sorrow, victory and defeat. In a world replete with such opposites, you must constantly make the choice between what is right and proper, and what is wrong and undesirable. You must not let yourself be guided by the mind. You must follow the directions of the intelligence.

Youth often tend to go by the inclinations of the mind, neglecting their intelligence and consequently are subject to agitations and frustrations. Discrimination is a big help to avoid such situations. Ask yourself “I am a human being; how must I conduct myself in this situation such as to win the respect and regard of others?” and act in accordance. You will certainly find the right answers on what you should do and where you should go. Humility and discrimination are the indices of an educated person.

Monday, 12 May 2014

The Sai Teachings

                                        What is Culture?

The observance of morality in daily life, the divinization of all actions and thoughts related to life, and adherence to ideals - all of these together constitute culture. Culture means that which sanctifies the world, which enhances the greatness and glory of a country, and which helps to raise the individual and society to a higher level of existence.

The process of refinement or transformation is essential for improving the utility of any object or life. For instance, paddy has to be milled and its husk removed before the rice is fit for cooking. This is called transformation. This means, doing away with unwanted elements and securing the desirable ones. With regard to people, culture means getting rid of bad qualities and cultivating virtues. The cultured person is one who has developed good thoughts and good conduct.


Thursday, 8 May 2014

The Sai Teachings

“Silence” is our gift…

Do not indulge in arguments and disputes; one who clamours aloud has not grasped the Truth. Silence is the only language of the realised. Practice moderation in speech that will help you in many ways. It will develop Love, for most misunderstandings arise out of carelessly spoken words. When the foot slips, the wound can be healed; but when the tongue slips, the wound it causes in the heart of another will fester for life.

The tongue is liable for four big errors: uttering falsehood, scandalising, finding fault with others and excessive talk. These must be avoided if there must be peace for the individual. The bond of brotherhood will be tightened if people speak less and speak sweetly. That is why silence was prescribed as a vow for spiritual aspirants by the Scriptures. As spiritual aspirants in various stages of the road, this discipline will be very valuable for you.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The Sai Teachings

                                           Maintain Nature’s balance

Just as a child is entitled to enjoy the milk from its mother, there can be no objection to man enjoying the resources of nature. But as a result of uncontrolled desires and reckless exploitation of natural resources, Nature is exhibiting frightening disorders. Natural calamities like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods are the result of disturbances in the balance of Nature caused by this reckless exploitation.

Mankind today appears like a foolish man who is wielding the axe at the branch of a tree on which he is sitting. You have to develop a sense of spiritual oneness. Out of that sense of oneness, love will grow. Man today does not recognise this sense of oneness. ‘Man’ is not the body alone. One has the mind, intellect and the Spirit too. When the balance among these constituents is upset, people are plunged into troubles. On the other hand, when there is a balance, true humanness blossoms.