Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Sai Teachings


No object can be enjoyed without undergoing the process of transformation and refinement. Take the example of paddy. The paddy that is grown and harvested in the field cannot be consumed as such. It has to be converted into rice through the process of winnowing and thrashing. Once the process is complete, the value of the original paddy increases significantly. The process of transformation makes the object more useful and valuable. The utility value of cotton when spun and transformed into cloth is significantly higher, thanks to the transformation process. Take the example of gold. Again, there is a significant increase in its value when it is transformed to the shiny yellow metal, from its original form in the gold mine. Such being the case, how much more necessary it is for the human being to be transformed?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Sai Teachings

Examination success

Some students aim to just pass the examination or get perhaps 60%. Low aim is a crime. Who will tolerate or accept any work that is done 40% or 50%? Low marks tend to speak poorly of yourself – so never aim low, you must aim high. You should target a high 98%, you will definitely achieve at least 75%.
“Success begets Success”, so in any examination, begin answering easy questions first, properly numbering and tracking them. Then, you will feel encouragement from within to continue to write, and slowly be able to handle even the difficult questions as well. On the other hand, if you begin with tough questions, then you may get depressed quickly in the limited time. Depression leads to confusion, which in turn leads to loss of memory. Then, even if you know the answer, you will not be able to answer correctly. So to have the right kind of enthusiasm you must answer easy questions first.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

The Sai Teachings

Examination preparation

At times, you may feel dissatisfied with the answers you wrote, even though you have spent a lot of time reading. Why? Because when you are preparing for examinations, mere reading is not sufficient. You may read at home and feel confident of writing well in the exam hall, but that doesn’t work.

You must practise at home what you do in the examination hall. That is why you should often practise writing the answers. Many things which you do not understand clearly while reading, becomes easier to comprehend when you write it down. The more you write and practise at home, the better you will do in the examination hall.  In the examination hall, before receiving the question paper, you should first pray for guidance. Receive the question paper after your prayer. Then slowly read the question paper and start answering the easy questions first and the difficult ones towards the end.


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The Sai Teachings

The first stage to Realisation is when you accept, "I am in the Light." Next you perceive and declare, "The Light is in me" and finally you realize, "I am the Light”.

“I” represents Love and “light” represent Supreme Wisdom. When love and light become one, there is Realisation. Love should come from within and not be enforced from outside.